The fiancée at Conor McGregor's side: How Dee Devlin stands by her man

The ever faithful fiancée at Conor McGregor’s side : How Dee Devlin has stood by her man through series of sex assault claims… is standing firm as the UFC star faces new rape claims

  • Conor McGregor’s fiancée Dee Devlin, 35, has stuck by his side amid allegations
  • It is not the first time the Irish UFC star has face accusations of sexual assault

Wrapped in the embrace of her prize-fighting fiancée, Dee Devlin appears in bliss. 

In a series of intimate Father’s Day snaps, the pregnant 35-year-old partner of UFC star Conor McGregor beams as her three young children cosy up in bed with the topless fighter during a stay at New York’s five-star Peninsula hotel, on Fifth Avenue. 

Later, while posing on the balcony of the £4,600-a-night hotel Dee seems relaxed as McGregor, 34, gets down on his knees to kiss her tummy, days after he declared to the world they were expecting their fourth child. 

Nobody would have believed that just days earlier, the family had been rocked by scandalous accusations that McGregor had allegedly raped a woman in the toilet at the NBA Finals in Miami, Florida, earlier this month.

But that is precisely the turmoil bubbling away behind the scenes for the couple, who have been together since 2008. McGregor, through his legal team, vehemently denies the allegations against him, with his attorney Barbara R. Llanes describing the claims as ‘no more than a shakedown’ in a statement. 

Connor McGregor laughs with his fiancée Dee Devlin (pictured right together) at the Peninsula on Fifth Avenue on Father’s Day last week 

McGregor smiles broadly as he is pictured with his three children and fiancée Dee Devlin at the Peninsula on Father’s Day, just days after a woman claimed the fighter allegedly raped her at the NBA Finals on June 10 

Conor McGregor’s fiancée Dee Devlin (pictured together) flew out to New York to be with her partner of 15 years amid the allegations, which McGregor denies 

And in a show of unity, Devlin jetted out to the Big Apple to be by his side shortly after the allegations surfaced. 

She is, perhaps, an old hand at dealing with such controversies, as it’s not the first scandal that has reared its head during their relationship. 

READ MORE: Conor McGregor sexual assault accuser gave bag of clothes to cops that she says has his DNA all over it after he ‘forced her into oral sex then spat on her and himself’ in men’s VIP bathroom at NBA Finals

Throughout their 15 years together, since McGregor met her at a nightclub, there have been multiple allegations of sexual assault against the ‘Notorious’ – twice in 2019 in the Irishman’s homeland, once in 2020 in Corsica, France, and another time in 2021, when he was involved in a lawsuit for an alleged 2018 incident.

What’s more is that McGregor was also accused to attacking a woman on a yacht in Ibiza, Spain earlier this year. He has yet to face any sort of legal punishment for any of those cases and has protested his innocence.

Devlin’s latest show of unity comes just months after the couple announced their engagement and days after saying they are expecting their fourth child.  

The pair, who met in Dublin in 2008 when McGregor was just 19, live together with their children in Las Vegas.

Pictures last week showed McGregor, Devlin and their three children enjoying lunch together while the MMA fighter later had a massage. In some of the snaps, Devlin appears to be grinning.

McGregor has denied the recent allegations and police in Miami, where the alleged ‘violent rape’ took place, have said they are investigating the claims.

His accuser has said he forced her to perform oral sex on him and attempted to sodomize her after Game 4 of the NBA Finals – shortly after he knocked out the Miami Heat mascot.

Dee Devlin arrived in New York City days after a woman claimed her fiancée McGregor ‘violently raped’ her. It’s not the first time the UFC star has faced sex assault allegations

And it’s not the first time Dee has had to weather the storm of controversy surrounding her fiancée, standing by his side 

There have been multiple allegations of sexual assault against the ‘Notorious’ – twice in 2019 in his homeland, once in 2020 in Corsica, France, and another time in 2021, when he was involved in a lawsuit for an alleged 2018 incident. McGregor and Devlin pictured in Cannes in 2022

McGregor has also previously been accused of attacking a woman on a yacht in Ibiza, Spain earlier this year. He is pictured with Dee Devlin at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2021

Devlin’s latest show of unity comes days after the couple announced they are expecting their fourth child. They are pictured together on holiday

McGregor and his fiancée Dee Devlin alongside their three children; Conor Jr, Croia and Rian 

Later. video emerged of McGregor appearing to lead his accuser into the bathroom and shows his entourage of security guarding the door while they were allegedly inside.

In a statement, a spokesman for Miami Police Department told MailOnline: ‘MPD’s Special Victims Unit is investigating a report that was filed Sunday, June 11, 2023. This is an open investigation so no additional information can be released at this time.’ 

A source close to McGregor said they will cooperate fully with the investigation. He insists the woman’s claims are false and that she is only interested in money.

The accuser’s attorney says her client met McGregor at the NBA Finals game the night of the incident. 

According to the legal demand letters issued to not just McGregor’s attorney but also the Heat and the stadium, the woman was on her way out of the building when McGregor’s security summoned her to the VIP men’s restroom.

‘After the game, and after Mr. McGregor sent the Miami Heat mascot Burnie to the hospital, Mr. McGregor elevated his aggressive, unprovoked, and outrageous behavior by violently sexually assaulting and battering this firm’s client in the men’s bathroom of the Kaseya Center,’ it read. 

Conor McGregor and fiancée Dee Devlin celebrate Father’s Day after the sexual assault accusations

Devlin, now visibly pregnant, was seen lifting the couple’s youngest son out from a blacked-out Cadillac outside the Peninsula on Fifth Avenue

Devlin lifted the couple’s youngest son out of the SUV

Once inside the bathroom, she claims he forced her to perform oral sex on him, spat on her, and forcibly kissed her. Recently surfaced footage shows McGregor emerging from the bathroom then approaching the woman, taking her by the hand, and walking back towards the bathroom.

Days later, she handed over the clothes she was wearing at the time, claiming they prove he ‘spat’ on her during the alleged ordeal. 

In the video she is seen following him and they disappeared behind the door. McGregor’s entourage of security guards is then shown blocking the entrance to the door. 

His attorneys say the footage undermines the woman’s original allegation that he and his security guards forced her into the restroom. 

‘The claimant’s lawyer now has changed her story. Mr. McGregor welcomes the investigation, which he firmly believes will show the claims against him are false. 

‘After not responding to the demand for money made by the claimant’s counsel, she turned to the media to apply pressure. This is no more than a shakedown,’ McGregor’s attorney, Barbara R. Llanes, said in a statement.

Other footage also surfaced allegedly filmed after the incident in which McGregor and his accuser are seen together in a club.

McGregor first emerged from the bathroom with his security guards behind him 

Once McGregor and the woman were inside the bathroom, some of his entourage followed them in, while some remained outside, guarding the door

According to the woman’s attorney, Ariel Mitchell, that video shows her client and McGregor were ‘visibly awkwardly interacting with each other.’

She claims this was a stark contrast to how they were interacting prior to the bathroom encounter.

‘My client has always stated that there would be video of before and after, and in those videos she emphasized that the difference in the interactions between them would be visibly noticeable,’ Mitchell said in a statement to TMZ Sports.

‘This again is another video that supports what my client has been saying and supports what she told the police since the inception of this incident.’

McGregor has vehemently denied the allegation – his attorney said the clip further proves the claims are false.

‘While the claimant’s story has changed yet again our account of the evening has never changed,’ Barbara R. Llanes said in a statement.

‘This video only reinforces our position. We look forward to the swift conclusion of the investigation.’

The accuser’s attorney says she met McGregor at the game that night. He had been invited by the NBA and shocked fans by knocking out mascot Burnie, who had to be hospitalized. 

According to the legal demand letters issued to not just McGregor’s attorney but also the Heat and the stadium, the woman was on her way out of the building when McGregor’s security summoned her to the VIP men’s restroom.

New footage shows Conor McGregor’s sexual assault accuser sitting with the MMA fighter at a club table in the minutes after she claims he molested her in a bathroom

The woman’s attorney sent this letter to McGregor earlier this month detailing the allegations, which he denies

Conor McGregor at the Kaseya Center in Miami on the night of the alleged incident. The woman claims he forced her to perform oral sex on her in the bathroom and tried to sodomize her. He denies the allegations 

‘After the game, and after Mr. McGregor sent the Miami Heat mascot Burnie to the hospital, Mr. McGregor elevated his aggressive, unprovoked, and outrageous behavior by violently sexually assaulting and battering this firm’s client in the men’s bathroom of the Kaseya Center. 

‘Mr. McGregor, aided and abetted by the NBA and Miami Heat Kaseya security, had the victim physically forced via security into the men’s bathroom, separating her from her friend and trapping her inside with Mr. McGregor and his security guard. 

‘Once isolated and trapped in the VIP men’s bathroom at the Kaseya Center, security refused to let her exit or allow anyone else, including her friend, inside the bathroom. 

‘Mr. McGregor then appeared from inside the handicapped stall and shoved his tongue in the victim’s mouth and aggressively kissed her,’ according to the legal letter. 

The woman’s attorney says she then told him she needed to use the bathroom. 

While she was in the stall, she says McGregor ‘pulled out his penis and shoved it down the throat of the victim’. 

She claims she was able to get him off her, but says he then spat on her and on himself ‘in a desperate attempt to get his flaccid penis hard.’ 

She claims she then tried to flee, but says McGregor ‘aggressively grabbed her, pinned her up against the wall’ and tried to anally rape her. 

‘Fortunately, Mr. McGregor’s penis was too limp for complete penetration, and the victim continuously elbowed Mr. McGregor and finally escaped,’ according to the letter. 

The claims have surfaced less than 24 hours after it emerged McGregor and his fiancée Dee Devlin are expecting their fourth child. 

Conor McGregor and Dee Devlin are pictured with one of their children while on holiday 

McGregor and Devlin already have three children; Conor Jr, six, Croia Mairhead, four, and Rian, two. The couple are pictured together 

The pair, who met in Dublin in 2008 when McGregor was just 19, live together with their children in Las Vegas

McGregor and Devlin already have three children; Conor Jr, six, Croia Mairhead, four, and Rian, two. 

‘Things are going well,’ McGregor said of his family life. 

‘We’ve also got another on the way. There’s a lot going on,’ he said during a TV appearance in Ireland. 

Devlin has not yet said anything publicly about the allegations facing her husband and her last post on her Instagram was 12 weeks ago.

In early 2019, reports emerged that McGregor was under investigation by Irish law enforcement for an alleged sexual assault of a woman in a Dublin hotel the previous December. 

In October 2019, police received another complaint against McGregor from a woman who said he had sexually assaulted her in a car outside a Dublin pub. 

The UFC fighter denied both claims but was at one point arrested and questioned before being released.

In 2021, prosecutors indicated they would not be charging McGregor in connection with the alleged 2018 assault – neither have they pursued legal action over the 2019 complaint. 

The woman whose accusations sparked the initial investigation sued McGregor for personal injuries after the criminal case ended without charges, again alleging that he raped her in a Dublin hotel. 

Those civil proceedings are ongoing, while the plaintiff granted wide discovery of materials the police obtained in working on the case. McGregor continues to deny the accusation.

In September 2020, McGregor was detained and questioned by authorities on the French island of Corsica in September 2020 for alleged indecent exposure and sexual assault in a bar, spending two days in custody. 

Eight months later, they declared a lack of sufficient evidence to justify a criminal prosecution. The investigation is said to have included DNA collection that corroborated his version of events.

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