Border Patrol in Rio Grande Valley could release illegal crossers into US without court date

BORDER patrol agents are reportedly planning to begin releasing illegal border crossers into the US without setting any court date.

The move comes amid a shocking surge in migrants and unaccompanied minors, with the US seeing the biggest influx in 20 years of migrants entering the country.

Fox News has reported a senior source with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that a plan is being hatched whereby for Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector begin releasing illegal border crossers who claim asylum without issuing a Notice to Appear (NTA).

This effectively means they will leave custody without a court date.

The source says the reasoning for the decision is that the situation has "become so dire that BP [Border Patrol] has no choice but to release people nearly immediately after apprehension because there is no space to hold people even to do necessary NTA paperwork".

Issuing each migrant an NTA can take hours.

The radical plan would not apply to unaccompanied kids.

The Rio Grande Valley Sector in Texas is ground zero for the surge in illegal border crossings. 

It is experiencing more than 700 per cent overcapacity.

The US Customs and Border Protection have recorded over 396,000 migrant crossings since October 1 last year.

About 4,500 children are in the custody of Customs and Border Protection, the majority of which are located at a facility in Donna, Texas.

Under Biden, more unaccompanied children are being allowed into the U.S. than under Trump, whose administration quickly expelled minors seeking entry.

Nancy Pelosiinsisted on Friday Joe Biden has immigration "under control" — while Ted Cruz accused him of "hiding" as the migrant crisis deepens

Pelosi said Biden is approaching the migrants — including unaccompanied minors — in a more "humane" and "value-based" way than former President Trump.

The speaker was quick to point out the transition between the two styles of leadership and governance will "take some time".

"Humanitarian in its aspects. Pragmatic with a plan to get things done," she continued.

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