Couple who 'left dogs in boiling car' accused of eating and not paying

EXCLUSIVE: Couple who ‘left dogs in boiling car after being caught on camera stealing from cafe tip jar’ are now accused of eating ‘large’ £80 meals for four people at a Harvester and walking out without paying

  • Police have quizzed the couple at a police station in Sussex after officers traced their moves in Brighton
  • They were first seen shouting at police officers who broke their car’s window ‘after they left their dogs inside’  
  • Then CCTV revealed the moment they appeared to steal staff tips after demanding a refund at Carat’s Cafe
  • Later that day they alleged to have eaten a ‘large’ £80 meal at the Harvester but walked out without paying

A couple who were seen on camera allegedly leaving their dogs in a boiling hot car after being caught on camera apparently stealing from a cafe’s tip jar have now been accused of eating £80 meals at a Harvester and walking out without paying. 

Police have quizzed the couple at a police station in Sussex after officers traced their moves in Brighton on Saturday.  

The couple were caught on on CCTV appearing to steal the staff tips after demanding a refund for their meals at rom at Carat’s Cafe.

Later the same day they are alleged to have eaten a ‘large’ £80 meal for four people at the Harvester on the seafront but then walked out without paying. 

At around 4pm the family walked into the Madeira Drive restaurant and ordered a racks of slow-cooked ribs for four people – costing £20.49 for an adult portion it is the most expensive items on the menu.

The couple and two boys aged around nine and seven and then spent an hour eating the ribs and drinking in the restaurant.

But when it came time to settle the bill they allegedly became abusive towards staff and walked out without paying.

A staff member, who would not be named, said: ‘Yes, the same family came into our restaurant and spent an hour dining where they were absolutely horrible to staff.

‘They ordered a large ribs and had four meals but they were very abusive to staff, really horrible and then they got up and left without paying.

‘The incident has been reported to police and CCTV has been handed over. It was definitely the same couple.’ 

The couple were then filmed for a second time as they returned to their car in Brighton after police had been forced to smash a window because of concerns for two dogs locked inside in sweltering heat.

Today police confirmed the couple had been questioned by detectives investigating the thefts. However they have been released pending further enquiries.

A spokesman said: ‘A man and a woman have been interviewed by police and remain under investigation whilst enquiries continue.’

Superintendent Rachel Swinney said: ‘We are aware of the significant interest in this case, and I’d like to thank the public for coming forward with information.

A couple helped themselves to the tip jar at a café in Southwick, near Brighton, before complaining about food and receiving a full refund. Hours later, police smashed into the couple’s car to rescue their two dogs who were found sweltering inside

‘We are actively pursuing all lines of enquiry, and we will seek to identify if any further offences have been committed as our investigation continues.’ 

Superintendent Rachel Swinney of Sussex Police tonight said: ‘The behaviour of the individuals concerned in both of these incidents will not be tolerated. I want to send a clear message to those visiting our county that we will actively pursue those who commit crime in Sussex.’

A spokesman for the force Sussex Police said: ‘Police investigating the theft of money from Carats Café in Southwick on Saturday have formally identified two people in footage from the café.

‘The investigation is progressing with the assistance of colleagues at Bedfordshire Police. The same two individuals were also involved in an incident in Madeira Drive, Brighton, whereby police responded to a welfare call in respect of two dogs locked in a car. The dogs were subsequently released from the car by police.’ 

The woman can be seen taking coins out of the tip jar while staff are busy at Carats Café and Bar in Southwick, near Brighton

The couple were filmed as they angrily confronted police for smashing the window of their black estate car.

It later emerged they were allegedly caught on on CCTV appearing to steal staff tips from Carat’s Café on the same day.

In footage obtained by MailOnline, the couple are seen apparently taking the cash left for staff – after demanding a refund on the food they had eaten – from the family-run cafe.

Staff at Carats Café described the theft, which took place shortly before midday on Saturday, as ‘unfair and completely unacceptable’ and said the man and woman had received a full refund after ordering two breakfasts because they complained they were unsatisfactory.

It wasn’t until management later checked the CCTV that they realised the couple had appeared to take coins from the tip jar and had also not paid for drinks which had been taken from fridges next to the counter. 

The owners of a vehicle confronted police officers after they were forced to break into the car to rescue a beagle and another dog who had been left unattended inside while temperatures reached 75F on a scorching hot day on Brighton seafront

Zoe Kibble, the manager at Carats, estimates in total the couple cost the café £100, with the cost of the two breakfasts, the drinks and the tips that were allegedly taken.

Describing the team’s disappointment, she added: ‘We take on young people and it’s going to have a knock on their confidence. They’ve worked hard for their tips on a really busy, hot weekend so for them to be told their food isn’t good enough and have their tips taken from them is just not on.’

Ms Kibble says the unpleasant incident is a rare occurrence at the popular seafront eatery and that it is thought the couple were from out of the area.

Prior to their appeal, footage had already been shared of police breaking into the couple’s car to rescue two dogs who had been left in sweltering heat only for the man and woman to complain about the damage. 

The officer smashed the window which had been left slightly open but the car was not in shade and the two dogs were inside

Officers said the beagle and another dog looked instantly relieved when they had fresh air and water after the rescue on Brighton seafront, where temperatures reached 75F (24C) on Saturday.

Video shows one officer using his baton to smash the back window of the black vehicle as the owners rushed back to the scene in horror.

The woman can be heard saying ‘you broke my window out’ as the car alarm goes off.

Another officer can be heard responding to the woman, saying: ‘It’s a hot day. You shouldn’t be leaving the dog in the car in this weather.’

A crowd of beach-goers gathered to watch the dramatic rescue unfold on Brighton seafront.

One witness told MailOnline: ‘The police were called by a member of the public who noticed the dog in the car.

‘The police attempted to contact the owner of the vehicle but they failed. This is when they attempted forceful entry to stop the risk to the pups from the heat. First the PC attempted to use his baton but this failed. Then he used a glass punch four times and the window smashed.’

One stall holder said: ‘I couldn’t leave my stall but there were several members of the public who were clearly concerned about the dog. It was a roasting day and the temperature in the car must have been horrendous.

‘A couple of PCSOs turned up and then a regular police officer. They were worried as well and I think they did the right thing.

‘I’ve heard the man claimed they’d only been away for 10 minutes but the commotion was going on for at least half an hour or more so that can’t be true. The couple who left their dog in their car in that heat have only got themselves to blame.’ 

Police officers said the dogs looked relieved once they had fresh air and water after the dramatic rescue in front of a crowd

The couple, who had two boys, aged about nine and six, had parked their black estate car close to Brighton Palace Pier and the Sealife Centre before leaving the two dogs in their car with one window open slightly ajar.

Sussex Police said the owners were given strong words of advice on returning to the car a short time later.   

The RSPCA told MailOnline the temperature inside of the car could have reached up to 117F.  

Ms Kibble added: ‘They sat down for their breakfasts and ate most of them before complaining to the manager who was working at the time. They said there was some hair in one and complained about the other as well.

‘We don’t get many complaints so we just offered a full refund. The manager noticed there were drinks on the table that weren’t in the same order but at the time assumed they had been paid for separately.’ 

What should you do if you see a dog in a car during hot weather? 

The RSPCA says you should try and establish if the dog is showing any signs of heatstroke such as heavy panting or drooling.

Other signs of heatstroke include lethargy and vomiting.

If the dog is showing signs of heatstroke, the charity says dial 999 immediately.

If police are unavailable and the situation becomes critical, you must be careful before taking the decision to smash the window as this could be considered criminal damage and you may have to defend your actions in court.

Make sure you tell the police what you intent to do and why.

Take pictures or videos of the dog and the names and numbers of witnesses to the incident. 

A crowd of beach-goers gathered to watch the dramatic rescue unfold on Brighton seafront before a police officer broke a car window to rescue two dogs trapped inside. 

A witness said the owners appeared unaware of the dangers posed to animals left in hot vehicles. 

The witness, who said the dogs were ‘panting solidly’, told the Sun: ‘Where they had parked there is just no shade. 

‘At first it was ‘what the f*** are you doing, why did you break my car window? I was only gone for 10 minutes’. The bloke obviously thought he was completely in the right. He didn’t really seem to have much empathy.’

The RSPCA says that, despite the common belief it is OK if windows are open or the car is in shade, dogs should never be left alone in vehicles during hot weather.

The charity says a car can become as hot as an oven very quickly, even when it doesn’t feel that warm.

When it’s 22 degrees, in a car it can reach an unbearable 47 degrees within the hour and a dog in these conditions could be susceptible to heatstroke.

Launching their Dogs Die In Hot Cars campaign, RSPCA dog welfare expert Dr Samantha Gaines said: ‘We know families love their pets and want to keep them close but, sometimes, it may be safer to leave your four-legged friends at home.

‘Dogs can suffer from heatstroke during hot weather and this can be extremely dangerous, and even prove fatal.

‘We’re calling on pet owners to put the welfare of their dogs first this summer. If you’re heading out and about then consider whether your pet may be happier in the cool at home, only walk them during the cooler hours of the day, and never leave your dog in a car unattended on a warm day.’

One stall holder said: ‘I couldn’t leave my stall but there were several members of the public who were clearly concerned about the dog. It was a roasting day and the temperature in the car must have been horrendous.

‘A couple of PCSOs turned up and then a regular police officer. They were worried as well and I think they did the right thing.

‘I’ve heard the man claimed they’d only been away for 10 minutes but the commotion was going on for at least half an hour or more so that can’t be true. The couple who left their dog in their car in that heat have only got themselves to blame.’

The couple, who had two boys, aged about nine and six, had parked their black estate car close to Brighton Palace Pier and the Sealife Centre before leaving the two dogs in their car with one window open slightly ajar. 

A spokesman for Sussex Police said about the dog incident: ‘We were called about two dogs left locked inside a car in the heat of the day Saturday on Madeira Drive, Brighton.

‘Police officers attended and tried to get a contact number for the owners of the car but were unable.

‘Officers had no choice but to smash the side window to gain access and a kind member of the public donated a bottle of water.

‘The owners were given strong words of advice on returning to the car a short time later.

‘The dogs, who were much improved after fresh air and water, were left with the owners.

‘Dog owners should never leave a dog alone in a car on a warm day. If you see a dog in distress in a hot car, dial 999.’   

Regarding the alleged theft the spokesman said: ‘Police are investigating after a man and a woman went into Carats Cafe in Basin Road South, Southwick, on Saturday (12 June) at about 11.39am and stole money from the staff tip jar worth about £30.

‘The suspects also stole cakes and drinks from the front counter while distracting staff. Anyone who witnessed the theft or have any information about the suspects is asked to report online or ring 101.’  

Did you see the rescue do you know the owners? Email [email protected] 

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