Daily horoscope for July 30, 2023

Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Capricorn.

Happy Birthday for Sunday, July 30, 2023:

You are passionate, sensual and robust. You love to explore your physical environment. You’re very focused about whatever you embrace. You have determination and star quality. This year you will receive kudos, acknowledgement, a promotion or success for your past efforts. It’s time for you to take a bow!


(March 21-April 19)
This is a wonderful day, and you look great in the eyes of others. Don’t waste this advantage. Get out there and fly your colors! People see you as successful and affluent. (It’s all smoke and mirrors.) Authority figures are impressed with you. Tonight: You’re impressive. This Week: You can accomplish a lot.


(April 20-May 20)
This is a marvelous day to travel or explore new ideas. Your sense of adventure is strong, especially regarding the arts, sports or working with children. Your mind is sharp today, which is why study is favored. Tonight: Excitement. This Week: A playful time. Great for vacations.


(May 21-June 20)
Discussions about shared property, inheritances, taxes, debt or shared responsibilities will go well today, because you’re enthusiastic and optimistic. Family discussions will favor you. Reorganize your domestic scene. Tonight: Feeling wealthy. This Week: Make positive changes at home.


(June 21-July 22)
You’ll enjoy cooperating with others today, especially when dealing with teams and groups, as well as friends. You’re keen to share your ideas and discuss things. You might even take over and start giving orders. You’re tenacious. (You’re not a quitter.) Tonight: Happy times. This Week: Your optimism will generate success.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
This is an upbeat, pleasant day. Whatever you do today will boost your reputation in the eyes of others in some way, and hopefully, boost your earnings as well. Admittedly, you’re in the mood to spend, and spend big. Tonight: Satisfaction. This Week: Your wealth is favored!


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
This is a wonderful day to socialize. Make an effort to contact friends or make plans with kids. Sports events, entertaining outings and social diversions will please you. You also might be involved in physical activities that encourage competition. “We win!” Tonight: Schmooze! This Week: You’re confident, energetic and successful.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You won’t regret making time to reorganize where you live. More than any other sign, you are affected by your immediate environment. Tidy up the place. You’ll love yourself for this later. (Matching towels are de rigueur.) Tonight: Entertain. This Week: Contentment and inner peace are yours.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Sales, marketing, teaching, acting and any effort that allows you to communicate will flow well today. You are mentally hyped and intellectually driven. Discussions with others will be upbeat and successful. Tonight: Network. This Week: You experience increased popularity, including team sports.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Business and commerce are favored today. Look for ways to boost your income. Your confidence is strong, which is why you’re willing to play a longshot. Work-related travel might be a factor. Authority figures will help you. Tonight: Check your possessions. This Week: You’re motivated! And it shows.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today the Moon is in your sign dancing beautifully with fiery Mars and lucky Jupiter. This means you’re on top of your game. You feel confident, enthusiastic and ready to lead others as if you were the Pied Piper. (They will follow you.) Tonight: You’re blessed. This Week: Travel plans. Expand your world!


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Even though you’re working behind the scenes today, you can make positive changes at home or within the family, including during discussions about shared property, inheritances or shared responsibilities. Be Spider-Man today: “With great power comes great responsibility.” Tonight: Contentment. This Week: Increased wealth through others.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
This is a wonderful day to schmooze! You feel sociable and, in turn, others will be glad to see you (especially groups). Not only are you enthusiastic, you will take charge. “Move that mountain!” “Build that bridge!” Work for the highest good today, because you have the ability to effect change. Tonight: Popularity. This Week: Friendships and partnerships are blessed.


Actor, bodybuilder, politician Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947), actress Lisa Kudrow (1963), actor Laurence Fishburne (1961)

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