Donald Trump feels ‘even stronger’ about 2024 White House bid if Meghan Markle runs

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Meghan Markle's diary discussed by royal expert on Lorraine

The former Republican president made the remark after he was asked about his views on the Duchess of Sussex and her rumoured political ambitions. At the weekend a senior Labour figure with strong links to Washington claimed that Ms Markle was networking among senior Democrats with a view to running for the US Presidency.

A source close to the Duchess, 39, declined to comment.

Responding to the speculation, Mr Trump told Fox News: “Well I hope that happens because if that happened I think I’d have an even stronger feeling towards running.”

Mr Trump added: “I’m not a fan of hers.

“I think that what she talks about the Royal Family and the Queen, and I happen to think, I know the Queen as you know, I met with the Queen and I think the Queen is a tremendous person and I am not a fan of Meghan.”

Despite sharing his feelings about the Duchess, the reality-star-turned-politician remained non-committal about another bid for the White House.

He told the programme: “Based on every poll, they want me to run again.

“But we’re going to take a look and we’ll see.”

The former President, who lost to Democrat Joe Biden in last November’s election, spoke shortly after the Duchess of Sussex appeared alongside Prince Harry in their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.

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Among numerous outrageous claims, the couple said that a senior royal expressed concerns about “how dark” their son Archie’s skin would be.

A statement from the Queen has since said that even though “recollections may vary, they (the allegations) are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately”.

Mr Trump’s former senior adviser Jason Miller said last week that the former President hadn’t spoken publicly about the pair’s interview because he didn’t want to be “cancelled” like Piers Morgan.

Mr Morgan sensationally quit ITV’s Good Morning Britain after refusing to apologise for saying that he “didn’t believe a word” of the Duchess of Sussex’s claims.

But that didn’t stop Mr Miller from lifting the lid on his former boss’s feelings about the Sussexes’ Oprah interview.

Speaking on Steve Bannon’s podcast, he said: “When I was talking to the president this morning… he’s like: ‘Yeah, [Meghan’s] no good. I said that and now everybody’s seeing it.

“But you realise if you say anything negative about Meghan Markle you get cancelled. Look at Piers [Morgan]’.”

The comments are not the first time Mr Trump has criticised the former Suits actress.

In 2019 he famously called her “nasty”.

Mr Miller, who was Mr Trump’s chief spokesman during his 2016 campaign, revealed that the former Apprentice star told him: “I’m on Team Piers. Piers is the best, he’s the greatest, and they went and tried to cancel him simply because he criticised Meghan Markle.

“This is just the latest chapter of woke culture.”

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