Drivers left confused after new 20mph speed signs are tampered with

Drivers left confused after new speed signs are tampered with ahead of controversial rollout of 20mph zones in Wales

  • Tampering of new peel-off signs has left roads with conflicting speed limits

Drivers have been left scratching their heads after new speed signs were tampered with ahead of the 20mph zones rollout in Wales.

Speed signs are currently being altered in line with the 20mph default speed limit on residential roads and busy pedestrian streets. 

The new signs have an identical 30mph peel-off layer on top which can be quickly removed once the new 20mph default speed limits are launched on September 17.

But to the mass confusion of drivers in Gwynedd, some of these signs have already been peeled off.

This has left certain roads with conflicting speed signs on either side – one sign shows the soon-to-be-introduced speed limit of 20mph, another adjacent sign shows the soon-to-be-outdated 30mph limit.

Speed signs in Pwllheli have been tampered with ahead of the 20mph rollout in September, meaning some road have conflicting speed limits on the same road

The new signs have an identical 30mph peel-off layer on top which can be quickly removed once the new 20mph default speed limits are launched – but some have already been peeled off

Last month, Rishi Sunak ordered ministers to review the proliferation of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and the blanket imposition of 20 mile-an-hour zones.

A Cyngor Gwynedd Council’s highways team is looking into the matter and will ensure the correct speed limit is shown, a spokesperson told the Daily Post. 

How will the 20mph speed limit work in Wales? 

The 20mph speed limit in Wales will come into force on all restricted roads if voted for in Parliament.

It’s a plan that is projected to have cost £32million.

Restricted roads are defined as those that have lampposts placed not more than 200 yards apart.

This normally includes areas where there is lots of pedestrian activity and residential housing.

Local authorities can make exceptions on certain roads, but the limit will be in place outside schools. 

If drivers are caught going over 20mph, there is currently a minimum penalty for speeding is £100 fine.

Three points can also be added to your licence. 

Pwllheli and its neighbouring village Llannor are among the areas hit by the 20mph vandals. In addition to several roads in Flintshire which were also changed last month. 

Facebook users had a field day at the time, with some tongue-in-cheek suggestions over what the conflicting signs meant. One driver suggested: ‘Take your pick?’

A few people took the signs literally, one man said: ’30 on the left side and 20 on the right side? Good game of chicken!’ 

Others got mathematical, coming up with: ’30 + 20 = 50.’

Some people are not pleased about the move to 20mph, with one petition gaining more than 20,000 signatures.

The Welsh Government has said the policy aims to ‘save lives and reduce the risk and severity of injuries from collisions between vehicles and vulnerable road users’. 

It also hopes more people will be encouraged to ‘make more sustainable travel choices’ and bring physical and mental health benefits. 

This week cars have been spotted with red ribbons tied to their bonnets – in protest of the new speed limit. 

The red ribbons are related to the UK’s Locomotive Act 1865, also knows as the Red Flag Act.

The Act required any self-propelled road vehicle to be preceded by a person walking at least 60 yards ahead, carrying a red flag.

It also brought in the world’s first speed limits, which was 4mph in rural areas, 2mph in towns and meant you’d receive a £10 fine for speeding.

The legislation was approved by the Senedd in July 2022. 

Angry drivers in Wales are tying red ribbons to the bonnet of their cars in an act of protest against the controversial new speed limits

The red ribbons are related to the UK’s Locomotive Act 1865, also knows as the Red Flag Act

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