Elon Musk fears humans may ‘self-extinguish’ before he can colonise Mars

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Elon Musk has warned humans could “self-extinguish” before his firm SpaceX is able to colonise Mars.

The Tesla CEO said his plans could also be scuppered by a supervolcano, a comet strike or a “giant war”.

If World War Three broke out, there was a “low” chance of building a self-sustaining city on Mars afterwards, he added.

The billionaire, 49, has said he wants to set up a self-sustaining Martian civilisation, which he described as a “great adventure”.

Speaking at the 2020 Mars Society Virtual Convention, he said: “I think it’s helpful to have as the objective the creation of a self-sustaining city on Mars.

“This has to be the objective, not simply a few people or a base, but a self-sustaining city.

“The acid test really is if the ships from Earth stop coming for any reason, does Mars die out?”

He continued: “Are we going to be able to create a self-sustaining city on Mars before or after World War 3?

“Hopefully there is never a World War 3, but the probability of launching after World War 3 are low.

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“We should try to make this city self-sustaining before any possible World War 3.”

He continued: “Really we just face a series of probabilities. There’s some chance we could have a giant war, a supervolcano, or a comet-strike – or we might just self-extinguish.

“Quite frankly, right now, civilisation’s not looking super strong, you know, we’re looking a little rickety right now."

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But he warned it’s “not an escape vehicle” unless Mars is made self-sustaining, which will “probably not happen in my lifetime”, the Express reports.

The tech mogul recently set himself the goal of sending humans to the Red Planet by 2026 – seven years before NASA aims to land astronauts there.

SpaceX is currently developing the Starship rocket, which aims to carry up to 100 people and equipment to Mars.

But a second full test flight of the company’s latest Starship prototype crashed last Tuesday in Texas, US.

Bosses recently announced plans to offer the "first all-civilian" flight into the Earth's orbit during the fourth quarter of 2021.

  • Elon Musk
  • Spacex
  • Mars

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