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A huge explosion has been heard across London, with reports of a 'massive' flash of light.
Images have been posted on social media showing smoke billowing into the air, with some claiming they could hear the noise as far as Stoke Newington and Camden.
London Fire did confirm that an incident has happened, but would not confirm what it was or where it took place.
Twitter users reported hearing the explosion at around 5.45pm.
One wrote: "Multiple people say they heard an explosion in North London – might have been a lightning strike."
And another posted: "’I'd love to quit Twitter yeah but then I’d miss the freak thunder and lightning in North London without rain.
"Is it war of the worlds (or) is it an explosion?
"Still no rain f**king hell this is so scary what’s going on?"
A third wrote: "I heard it in Highbury.
"Two enormous rumbling bangs louder than thunder or the biggest fireworks; about 5 – 10 minutes apart."
According to lighting tracking app My Lightning Tracker, there was a strange weather burst around that time in London, complete with heavy rain in certain parts – but this has not been confirmed by any officials.
A man in Highbury spoke to MyLondon to share that he heard two explosions in the area earlier this evening.
Chris said: "I'm in Highbury, I heard two enormously loud explosions – much louder than thunder or fireworks.First one was at 17:40 then another about 10 minutes later – very similar to the first."
He added that some people he's spoken to said they saw a 'bluey-white flash' and some are theorising that it might be a meteroite, but that has not been confirmed.
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