Inferno takes hold of landmark mill seen in Peaky Blinders and Downton Abbey

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A large inferno has taken hold of a historic mill in West Yorkshire.

The huge blaze, sending thick black smoke billowing into the air, has called for 100 firefighters and 20 crews scrambling to the scene.

The fire broke out at around 12pm today, (Thursday, March 3), in Dalton Lane, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue said.

Clips from the scene show the roof of the large structure covered in bright orange and red as fire crews attempt to keep the situation under control.

Flames are flickering through the windows as witnesses watch on the sidelines.

Marcus Levine told the Yorkshire Post: "Drama across from my studio as Dalton Mills, Keighley goes up in smoke. As I left it got a lot worse with barrels of flames pouring out the windows. It just looked like a bit of smoke for ages. All that work refurbishing the building has now been destroyed."

The fire service said: "We are currently in attendance at a fire at Dalton Mills, Keighley. There is a lot of smoke in the area & residents are advised to keep doors/windows closed. Please avoid travelling through the area. Updates to follow."

The Grade II listed building, in Bradford, dates back to the 19th century.

It was constructed by Joseph Craven in 1869, replacing a mill building that had stood in its place since the 1780s.

It was once the largest textile mill in Yorkshire, employing over 2,000 workers.

It closed down and was left abandoned in the 1990s, and it's not the first time it suffered a fire. An arson attack in 2011 destroyed a disused wing of the landmark.

As the textile industry declined, it saw less and less use until Craven's great-grandson – John Craven – sold it in 2004.

The stunning interior has been used for several dramas, such as The Great Train Robbery and Downton Abbey.

Bill Nighy's 2016 film The Limehouse Golem also used it for filming.

It has seen been used as a filming location for the hit TV series Peaky Blinders with Cillian Murphy and the late Helen McCrory.

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