Man accused of shooting Brit girl on a swing in France was ‘not aiming at her’

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An 11-year-old British girl was “not the target” of a fatal gunshot which killed her outside her home in France, officials have said. Solaine Thornton and her sister Celeste, eight, were playing on garden swings during a barbecue in Saint-Herbot, near Quimper, Brittany, when their 71-year-old Dutch neighbour reportedly opened fire through a hedge.

He had been in a “conflict” with the family over a plot of land beside their properties for “several years”, state prosecutor Carine Halley said.

She added Solaine’s father Adrian, who is about 40, was badly hurt when police arrived, while the younger girl was “safe and sound but in a state of shock”.

The victim and her parents, Adrian and Rachel Thornton, were named by mayor of Plonevez-du-Faou, Marguerite Bleuzen.

Mrs Thornton was also hurt, but her injuries are not thought to be life-threatening. She was cradling her daughter in her arms when police arrived at the scene.

Mail Online reports that the Dutchman, Dirk Raats, first threatened the family with a .22 rifle three years ago.

A resident who lived near the family said: “That’s what the dispute three years ago was all about – police were called because he was threatening the family with his rifle.

“The two families were always arguing, and the rifle escalated matters, but nobody ever believed that he would use it.”

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, public prosecutor Camille Miansoni said it did not appear that the Dutch neighbour had been aiming at the girl when he fired the shot. He said: “It would seem that he was not aiming at the little girl.”

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A police spokesperson said they were aware of a conciliation process between the families that began in 2019.

Translated by the BBC, she said: “It is true that we were warned in 2019 of the conciliation process with regard to the dispute between these two neighbours – but subsequently we haven’t had any kind of follow-up, and neither has there been any kind of criminal offence committed since.”

Mr Miansoni added: “In response to the question about mediation, we know about that. The couple was charged or was asked to get involved in a mediation process by the Mayor’s office.

“All that must be, of course, clarified and verified. Certainly, the couple in question was less involved in the case.

“Obviously, if you have mediation everyone involved has to play their part. The mediation process had been started but the other family was not particularly keen to participate.”

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Mr Miansoni also explained that the man arrested, Dirk Raats, had been assessed by a doctor.

He said: “He has agreed to all his rights, he’s been seen by a doctor, for example, and there is no evidence to suggest that he is unhinged psychologically.”

Ms Halley said the child’s father was taken to hospital in a critical condition and initial evidence suggests “the suspect suddenly emerged armed with a gun and fired several times towards the victims”.

He then “retreated” to his house where he barricaded himself in with his wife, the prosecutor said. The Intervention Group of the National Gendarmerie tactical unit was called to the scene, and a negotiator persuaded the couple to give themselves up. They were then arrested.

An investigating source said test results showed he was under the influence of drugs at the time, according to the Evening Standard.

When arrested the suspect was described as being “a little guy with long white hair, a long beard, and completely wild-looking”.

Solaine’s grandfather, Irvin Thornton, said “she didn’t stand a chance”. He said his son, Adrian, is in a coma.

A spokesman for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said: “We are providing consular assistance to a British family following a shooting in France and are in contact with the local authorities.”

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