Marine Le Pen policies: National Rally’s manifesto for a new France – is Frexit coming?

Marine Le Pen blames Macron for dependency on Russian oil

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Marine Le Pen is one of two high-profile far-right candidates vying for France’s highest office in April alongside Eric Zemmour. Together, they have built reactionary manifestos centred on immigration, Euroscepticism and NATO scepticism. They differ in key ways, however, with Ms Le Pen emerging as the most popular of the two.

What is in Marine Le Pen’s manifesto?

As the longtime leader of the National Rally – formerly the National Front – Ms Le Pen has historically espoused nationalist, reactionary political viewpoints.

While she has taken the last year to sanitise her party’s image, many of these underlying policies remain scattered throughout her manifesto entries in 2022.

They offer a stark comparison to the incumbent President and blend with a rising sense of insecurity in France.

France for the French

Ms Le Pen’s immigration stance, which Mr Macron’s side has branded a “discourse of hate”, would prioritise the native French for most services.

Under her presidency, she has pledged that they would have first dibs for welfare benefits, housing, jobs, healthcare, and more.

Her unforgiving stance on immigration would also end the family union policy, under which people fleeing their home countries can reunite with relatives who have settled elsewhere, in this case, France.

Her other immigration manifesto promises include:

  • Deportation of undocumented migrants and foreigners convicted of crimes
  • Withdrawing residency rights for migrants out of work for more than a year
  • Removing birthright citizenship
  • Asylum request processing outside of France

Frexit and international policy

An issue of note for many Britons observing the French elections is whether or not Ms Le Pen would withdraw her country from the European Union.

Some hope that France would follow the UK in dismantling the bloc’s authority in Europe.

But Ms Le Pen is not advocating for this, marking a departure from her proposal to have an EU referendum in 2016, as she seeks to help create a “European Alliance of Nations”.

She offers a softer stance on the EU than her sovereignty-obsessed political bunkmate Mr Zemmour, who has praised Brexit.

Ms Le Pen’s other international policy manifesto promises include:

  • Withdrawing France from NATO’s military command structures
  • Ensuring the French constitution prevails over international law
  • Ending Franco-German cooperation agreements established after 2017


The French economy has suffered alongside its neighbours thanks to issues ranging from Covid to war in Ukraine.

Ms Le Pen’s most noted shift during the latest election cycle is to the cost of living crisis.

She has introduced a host of low-tax proposals she likely hopes will distract from her previous association with Vladimir Putin and hard-right roots.

The National Rally’s less popular policies are now clothed in VAT reduction proposals (to cut it from 20 percent to 5.5 percent) and relief for middle and low-income families.

Other economic policies include:

  • No income tax for those aged under 30
  • VAT at 0 percent for essential products as long as inflation is one point higher than growth
  • No employer contributions on pay rises up to 10 percent
  • Increase to low pensions and early retirement at 60 for 40 years of work
  • An end to inheritance tax for middle and low-income families


Energy has unexpectedly become one of the most pointed issues in European politics, with prices surging across the continent.

While other countries work toward net-zero or pollution-free energy models, Ms Le Pen plans to push backwards.

She has pledged to halt any incoming wind turbine projects currently in the works and dismantle existing ones.

At the same time, she has advocated for leaving the European electricity market and investing in nuclear energy, mirroring recent moves taken by the British Government.


Ms Le Pen has advocated for a countrywide clampdown on France’s Muslim population, starting with a headscarf ban.

Under her presidency, she has said she aims to ban anyone wearing a headscarf from public life, both on the streets and in publicly owned buildings.

She also intends to strip people who hold “extreme” views of their French citizenship.

Ms Le Pen has also extended potential bans to Islamic associations that contradict the French constitution.

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