Naked man strolls through beauty spot and performs sex act in front of kids

Images have captured the moment a naked man walked through a UK beauty spot in front of onlooking children.

Police are hunting for the naked man, who also performed a sex act on himself in front of the horrified kids as they visited the woodlands for a day out.

The sicko was spotted in a wooded area of Nidd Gorge in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, wearing only hiking boots, a baseball cap and a black watch, YorkshireLive reports.

The incident, on the banks of the River Nidd, happened on the afternoon of August 10 last year but cops have only released details now.

A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said: "The man is described as white, aged between 50 and 60 and was naked apart from dark coloured hiking boots, a baseball cap and a black watch.

"He had noticeable tan lines around his legs and carried clothing in his left hand.

"Officers are asking members of the public to get in touch if they can help identify the man in the images as they believe he will have information that will help the investigation.

"The incident is one of a number of similar incidents reported over the past year and officers are looking into whether or not the incidents are connected."

Anyone with any information is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for Alex Langley or email [email protected].

Those reporting information about this incident are also asked to quote reference number 12200150877 when passing on information.

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