Police find second victim of mill fire as trafficking probe continues

Police find remains of second victim of mill fire: Human trafficking probe continues amid fears up to four Vietnamese migrants were killed in blaze

  • Major incident declared after human remains found at Bismarck House Mill
  • Two bodies recovered so far and searches continuing for any further remains 
  • Four Vietnamese nationals were reported as missing to local police post blaze

Police hunting through the fire remains of an abandoned mill where four suspected Vietnamese human trafficking victims were being held have found a second body.

A major incident was declared after demolition workers found human remains at the former Bismarck House Mill in Oldham two months after a fire. 

Until now only one body has been recovered, despite four Vietnamese nationals being reported as being missing locally.

But this morning Greater Manchester Police announced remains of a second person had now been recovered.     

Detective Superintendent Lewis Hughes said: ‘We are carrying out an extensive search of the remnants of the mill to ensure any further human remains are recovered in a way which is respectful to both the deceased and the bereaved. 

‘Meanwhile, our Major Incident Team are continuing to liaise with partner agencies to ensure potential family members in Vietnam are fully informed and supported.

‘Though we’ve now recovered human remains to suggest that at least two people were in the mill during the fire, we remain conscious of the report we received, on Thursday 21 July 2022, that four Vietnamese nationals were missing and may have been involved in a fire.

‘Alongside the search and recovery efforts, extensive enquiries are being carried out to establish the full circumstances surrounding the fire. Any criminal offences identified as part of this will be progressed immediately and appropriately.

‘It is fundamental that those involved in this incident are provided with honest and accurate information at all times. We are, sadly, aware that speculative and inaccurate information has been reported but can reassure those affected that Greater Manchester Police will provide updates at appropriate times, having verified the information and followed the correct procedures.’

The possibility they were victims of human trafficking is among the lines of inquiry being considered by police, MailOnline understands.  

A major incident has been declared after demolition workers found human remains at the former Bismarck House Mill in Oldham two months after a fire 

 Greater Manchester Police said they received a call last Thursday saying that four Vietnamese nationals were missing and may have been involved in a fire. Above: The fire at the mill in May

The fire happened on May 7 and took four days to extinguish. At the time, it was not thought anyone was inside. 

Greater Manchester Police Assistant Chief Constable Rob Potts said yesterday: ‘Any criminal offences identified as part of their investigation will be immediately and appropriately progressed.’

Oldham councillor Aftab Hussain said: ‘It’s very worrying if the Vietnamese people were being kept in a mill like that.

‘It does concern me that there may have been some human trafficking involved here. It needs thoroughly investigating.

‘If anything illegal is found to have happened, anyone involved should be brought before the courts and punished.’

Local residents said the only suspicious activity at the mill was cars parked outside the building into the evenings.

Separately, bags of cannabis leaves were found dumped in the area.

Howard Singleton, 37, said a friend of his discovered the rubbish bags full of cannabis plant waste in a skip at a nearby business centre, streets away from the mill, just before Christmas.

He said: ‘My mate couldn’t believe it when he found the bags. They had just been shoved in the skip.

‘I have seen cars parked there but I’ve never seen any Vietnamese people coming and going. People have been wondering what started the fire, it all seemed a bit bizarre.’

Assistant Chief Constable Rob Potts said: ‘Any criminal offences identified as part of their investigation will be immediately and appropriately progressed’ 

A tile shop was located next to the mill but another resident said: ‘I used to see the cars at 7pm or later and they can’t have been going the tile shop. It’s only now it’s made me think what was going on.’

Mr Potts said: ‘Whilst work is ongoing to confirm the identity of the deceased, we are liaising with partner agencies to ensure potential family members in Vietnam are fully informed and supported.’

A police spokesman said the incident had been referred to the force’s Professional Standards Branch for review.

Greater Manchester Fire Service said its crews fought the fire from the outside because it was ‘well-developed’ and there was ‘some concern about the structural stability of the building’.

It meant firefighters were unable to see what was inside, although there were no reports of people there at the time. It is now reviewing how the incident was tackled.

The cause of the fire has not been revealed.

People smuggling gangs are known to bring migrants from Vietnam to the UK, who are then vulnerable to modern slavery, being forced to work in cannabis production, nail bars and prostitution.

Firefighters are seen using a jet of water to try to douse the flames at the mill in May

In February, Dame Sara Thornton, the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, highlighted how Vietnamese migrants face ‘exorbitant fees charged for each part of the journey, involvement of debt bondage, artificial inflation of fees and exploitative working conditions in both legal sectors and illegal activity, such as Cannabis cultivation’.

But she said despite the risks, including the 39 migrants found to have suffocated in a lorry in Grays, Essex, in 2019, ‘the UK is perceived as an attractive destination by Vietnamese migrants’.           

GMP’s Assistant Chief Constable Rob Potts said: ‘Victims and the bereaved are at the forefront of our investigations into deaths. 

‘As such, whilst work is ongoing to confirm the identity of the deceased, we are liaising with partner agencies to ensure potential family members in Vietnam are fully informed and supported. 

‘This news will understandably impact both the local and wider community. 

‘I can reassure members of the public that this has been declared a major incident to ensure both GMP and partner agencies respond to this incident in the most effective way and that specialist officers are following every line of enquiry to confirm the identity of the deceased, if anyone else was inside the mill during the fire, and the full circumstances surrounding that fire. 

‘Any criminal offences identified as part of their investigation will be immediately and appropriately progressed.’

Anyone with information should submit it via GMP’s Major Incident Public Portal.

Anyone who does not have access to internet, should make contact via 0161 856 0055 quoting Operation Logan. 

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