Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene warns fellow GOP members over ‘betrayal’

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene slammed the 11 Republicans who voted to boot her off the House committees at a press conference Friday outside what she dubbed the “House of Hypocrites.”

The outspoken Georgia congresswoman warned her GOP colleagues that their decision on Thursday to remove her from the Education and Budget committees may come back to bite them — and the party as a whole.

“That really is a big betrayal that could cost us the majority in 2022,” she said. “I hope that my Republican colleagues really think about what they’ve done. I’m sure they’re going to hear from their voters.”

The House held the vote on Greene’s committee assignments over her past support of conspiracy theories, including the QAnon movement and saying that mass shootings were “false flag” operations carried out by gun control advocates.

She was ousted by a 230-199 vote, including nearly all Democrats and the 11 Republicans — despite her apologetic speech on the House floor beforehand that the QAnon conspiracy theory does “not represent my values.”

“That really is a big betrayal that could cost us the majority in 2022,” Greene said in reference to being removed from the Education and Budget Committees by fellow GOP members.

“Free speech matters,” Greene said Friday. “When the Democrats and 11 of my Republican colleagues decided to strip me of my committee assignments, you know what they did? They actually stripped my district of their voice.”

Greene also said she was “fine” with her expulsion — saying it will give her more time to talk to constituents and “build a huge amount of support.”

“That really is a big betrayal that could cost us the majority in 2022,” Greene said in reference to being removed from the Education and Budget Committees by fellow GOP members.

“If I was on a committee, I’d be wasting my time because my conservative values wouldn’t be heard and neither would my district’s,” she told reporters.

The briefing got heated, however, when reporters repeatedly grilled Greene on whether she had anything else to apologize for.

“Have you apologized for Russian collusion conspiracy lies?” she shot back. “You owe the people an apology. You lied about President Trump.”

Greene also said she didn’t feel like she owed Parkland massacre survivor David Hogg an apology — following a video that surfaced of her confronting him in 2019 before she was elected to office.

In a later interview, Greene boasted about the encounter, calling the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student-turned-activist an “idiot” who “only talks when he is scripted.”

“David Hogg was an adult when I talked to him. David Hogg was working with an organization they were going around working hard for strict gun control laws,” Greene said Friday.

“Being in the same situation as David Hogg, my voice matters too,” she added, referring to the time in the 1990s when a classmate of hers brought a gun to school prompting a hostage situation.

“No, I’m not sorry for telling him he shouldn’t push for gun control.”

The newly-elected congresswoman, 46, also slammed former President Trump’s upcoming impeachment trial as a “circus” — and took aim at fellow Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for allegedly exaggerating her experience during the Jan. 6 Capitol siege.

“Just another hoax that gets shared everywhere,” Greene said, claiming Ocasio-Cortez “faked her outrage.”

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