Russian ‘grannies’ tell UK ‘get out of Ukraine’ as MI6 blamed for Putin’s war

A group of Russian grandmothers has blamed the war with Ukraine on MI6 in a bizarre video.

In a recently surfaced clip on social media platform X, the group of elderly Russian women known as the ‘Putin’s squads’ has stirred controversy by blaming the British intelligence agency MI6 for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The video, which has garnered attention for its sensational claims, depicts several elderly women passionately asserting their beliefs.

The video begins with one woman fervently shouting: “I would like to say on behalf of the ‘Putin’s squads’ that every Russian knows behind all of the missile strikes on Crimea and the Crimean bridge stand not Ukrainians, but the British intelligence service MI6.

“All of that is set up by them. People in Britain shouldn’t hope that Russians will ever forget it. We remember it all, we will not forget that and all of that will be retaliated.”

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Another woman from the group adds her voice to the conspiracy, saying: “20,000 British people gave their lives for your horrible deeds in Ukraine. There are hungry people all over the place. Peaceful people are dying. Why don’t you love your own people? We have to respect them and not barge into another country. Get out of Ukraine!”

A third woman in the video issues a dire warning, stating, “Your games will end badly for your own country!”

The video was mocked on social media platform X, where Anna Komsa, EU International Affairs & Intercultural Negotiator for Eastern Europe, wrote: “Is it really worth it to film these grannies in Russia?

“If Putin had an army of his weirdos, we’d almost be worried.”

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Anton Gerashchenko, who posted the video on X, also chimed in, mocking the women’s statements: “‘Get out of Ukraine!’, they chant. A sound piece of advice to themselves.”

It comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin is wagering that international support for Kyiv will sooner or later begin to flag, and Peskov said the fatigue will eventually bring “fragmentation” of Ukraine’s foreign assistance.

But UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps insisted “we’re a long way from the U.S. withdrawing its support” from Ukraine, and reaffirmed British commitment.

“Britain will, regardless of what happens elsewhere, take a leadership role,” Shapps said during a meeting at the Conservative Party’s annual conference in northern England.

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