Serial sperm donor who fathered 550 kids ‘still donating despite being banned’

A serial sperm donor who is believed to have fathered well over 500 children is still making donations at fertility clinics despite having been ordered to stop, it has been reported.

Dutch musician Jonathan Jacob Meijer is believed to have children all over the world. At least 80 are thought to live in Germany, 35 in Belgium, four in Argentina, two in Australia, and a whopping 375 in the Netherlands.

A civil court in The Hague has ruled that Meijer is no longer allowed to donate his sperm. If he does so again, he will be fined £85,000.

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But according to the Daily Mail, the Dutchman has continued to donate his sperm to fertility clinics.

In a statement, Ties van der Meer, chairman of the Donorkind Foundation, said that Meijer had fathered at least 550 children, through at least 13 clinics around the world. He has also been known to use individual donation websites sites and social media to approach people who wanted to conceive, van der Meer added.

“We are taking action against this man because the national government is doing nothing,” van der Meer said. “He has a global reach via the internet and he does business with large international sperm banks.”

A large number of women who had given birth to Meijer’s lookalike kids have started online support group, partly in hope of preventing their kids hooking up and inadvertently committing incest. Over 150 of the mums joined a Facebook support group called 'Donorkind 102 JJM'.

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Van der Meer, who as a sperm donor has himself helped to conceive 18 children, told German media: "What Meijer is doing is irresponsible.

"According to the verdict, he has 550 children. I fear that he wants to set a record and already has 1,000 children today."

Responding to the accusation, Meijer says he now only offers his sperm to women who already have a child from him and want another.

Earlier this month, he helped a Dutch woman conceive , he says, and this week, he will fly to Serbia and Italy to visit the mothers of some of his children.

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The Cryos sperm bank sold Meijer’s sperm samples for around £1,100 each, although the Dutchman has said he makes his donations for free.

He told German media: 'I don't ask for anything, but sometimes I receive £64, a plane ticket, or a camera as a gift”.

He also told reporters he wanted a family of his own someday, saying: 'I want to start a family, dream of having five children.’

When asked why he wants so many kids, Meijer replied: "I want to do something meaningful with my life".

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