Woman shot accidentally needs bullet surgically removed from clitoris

Doctors in Somalia have treated a 24-year-old woman who had to undergo surgery to remove a stray bullet from her clitoris. The woman was sitting in her living room when the 2cm bullet came through the ceiling, causing severe pain. She was taken to the hospital immediately, where CT scans revealed that the bullet had become lodged in her clitoris.

Doctors published the case in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, noting that it was the first of its kind that they had encountered.

The woman reported that the incident occurred an hour before she was brought to the hospital, but no other details were provided.

Doctors working on the woman reported: “To the best of our knowledge, this case is unique due to the bullet being retained in the clitoris.”

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During the pelvic exams, it was observed where the bullet had entered the clitoris, and the CT scans confirmed its location.

Under local anesthesia, doctors performed surgery to remove the bullet from the clitoris, and no complications were observed after the procedure.

The patient was discharged the next day in good condition and follow-up appointments one month later showed no further complications.

According to doctors, non-obstetric vulva trauma is a rare occurrence that is typically caused by sports-related or straddle injuries, and gunshot injuries to the vulva are extremely uncommon.

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They also advised that during surgeries to remove foreign objects from the vulva, extra caution should be taken to avoid damaging the urethra and pelvic region.

Stray bullet injuries are often seen in residential areas of war-torn countries like Somalia where bullets are fired into the sky and eventually fall back down losing their energy.

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