Blue’s Clues aired on TV from 1996 to 2006, and the show had a revival in 2019. Steve Burns was the iconic host when the show first began. He had to leave after several years to avoid losing his hair on television.
Still, Burns became a memorable part of the lives of many viewers. Some people are curious about what the actor has been up to since then. There are even questions about whether Burns is dating someone or not.
Steve Burns’ acting and music career
Burns started his career in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at a Shakespeare Festival. People also can find him in several films. Younger generations know about him from his time as the host of Blues Clues. At first, Nickelodeon executives were unsure if the actor was the right choice.
Even Burns himself doubted he was right for the role. Nevertheless, many children loved watching Burns educate and entertain them. The star took his job seriously, and everyone was sad to see him leave the show in 2002. The children then grew up, but they never forgot him.
Burns surprised everyone with a special message for Blue’s Clues‘ anniversary. Besides appearing on television, he began a music career. His first album was Songs for Dustmites, and he started a band soon after leaving the kid’s series.
In 2009, Burns released his second album titled Deep Sea Recovery Efforts. Currently, Burns is worth millions thanks to his involvement with the Nickelodeon show. Some of his money also comes from a Brooklyn home he sold in 2020.
Is Steve Burns seeing anyone?
Fans have a renewed interest in Burns after the 25th anniversary video he made for Blue’s Clues. One thing that some of them wonder is if he is seeing anyone special or is single. HITC delves into Burns’ personal life to see if he is married to someone.
Burns does not appear to be married to anyone at the moment. A quick look at his social media account shows that most of his photos are of him and his pet dog. He also shared pictures of his travels to other countries. However, none of them indicate the presence of a significant other.
Additionally, Burns has not mentioned his dating life much in interviews in the past. Most people might assume that it is a sign that he is living the single life. Many celebrities try to keep their personal lives as private as possible. Burns could be doing the same thing.
Perhaps, Burns will reveal details of his love life sometime in the future. Fans can visit him on social media to learn more about him.
What Steven Burns has been up to since ‘Blue’s Clues’
Burns has been a part of other projects since he left Blue’s Clues. For example, he was in Christmas on Mars and in a couple of episodes of The Professionals. The actor appeared as a guest star in an episode of Young Sheldon as well.
Recently, there was news of a new Blue’s Clues movie in the works. There is not much information about the upcoming film yet. Fans can expect Burns to reprise his role as Steve in the untitled project.
Donovan Patton and Joshua Dela Cruz are going to star in it as well. The setting reportedly will take place in New York City, where Josh and Blue will audition for a Broadway production. Many fans can get excited for the nostalgia they likely will feel.
People can stay tuned for more updates of the film and other works Burns may take part in.
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