Dancing On Ice bosses urged to fire Rufus Hound after comments he made about Manchester Arena bombings

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Dancing On Ice bosses have been urged to fire Rufus Hound from the show following shocking claims he made about the Manchester Arena attack.

Survivors of the terrorist attack and MPs spoke out against the comedian competing on the hit ITV show.

The 41 year old had previously posted comments on Twitter implying that he thought then Prime Minister Theresa May had been behind the cruel tragedy in order to help the Conservatives win the ongoing general election.

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The star had shared a Twitter user’s Tweet, which read: “Given the attacker was known to MI5, the timing seems fortunate for May that an attack ‘slips through’ as Labour are making progress”.

Adding his own comment to the message, the panel show regular wrote: "Apologies for mild tinhattedness, but I’ve been thinking the same. Esp. as she was Home Secretary for so long.”

He then hashtagged "reichstagFire", seemingly implying that there was a similarity to the 1933 Reichstag Fire in Germany, which was suspected to have been staged in order to increase Hitler’s power in Germany.

Although Rufus deleted the comments soon after, his comments were mentioned again on Twitter recently.

Speaking to The Sun on Sunday, MP Rob Halfon: “This is horrific. These trivial remarks are deeply offensive to victims of the Manchester attack.”

Whereas fellow Tory MP Alec Shelbrooke said: “ITV have a moral responsibility and it’s time that they chucked out contestants that spout conspiracy theories and use family shows as political platforms.”

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Meanwhile Jade Clough, who was thrown 10 foot up in the air and hit by shrapnel during the attack, has also spoken out against Rufus.

She said: “It’s outrageous. I can’t believe anyone would even think it. I used to watch him on Celebrity Juice and had no idea he was like that.

“He’s in the limelight and a lot of people look up to him.

“When a celebrity starts saying things like that other people will think it’s okay to do the same.”

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Despite winning the golden ticket last weekend Rufus was forced to pull out of the show on Sunday night after coming into contact with someone with coronavirus.

He will now have to miss out on the ITV show, where he was set to be in the group dance, this week as he has been forced to stay at home for ten days.

It is not known whether the star, who is currently skating with Robin Johnstone, will be allowed to return, but the show has expressed their hope that he will make a comeback at the time.

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