James Argent receives his first dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: James Argent, 33, receives his FIRST dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine as he is placed in the high-risk category after his doctor called his 26 stone weight ‘danger territory’

  • The former TOWIE star, 33, received his first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine on Tuesday
  • Arg is one of 17million Brits whom ministers are hoping to vaccinate by Easter
  • At 26 stone, James is in a priority group due being severely overweight and asthmatic
  • The reality star previously said he could be in ‘serious trouble’ if he caught the virus
  • James has previously spoken at how his weight means he is at risk of heart problems- something which both of his parents suffer from
  • The TV personality last month revealed his plans to have life-saving gastric surgery after his doctor called his weight ‘danger territory’ 

James Argent was pictured arriving at his GP surgery in Essex on Tuesday to receive his first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine. 

At 26 stone, the former TOWIE star, 33, is in a priority group due to being severely overweight and asthmatic. He previously said he could be in ‘serious trouble’ if he caught the deadly virus. 

James, who is planning to have life-saving gastric surgery after his doctor called his weight ‘danger territory’, drove to his appointment on his blue Vespa.  

Getting his jab: James Argent was pictured arriving at his GP surgery in Essex on Tuesday to receive his first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

The vaccine roll out last week moved onto the next phase, with over-65s and younger people with underlying health conditions in England being offered the vaccine as the programme moves down through the priority list. 

A BMI of 40 or above and severe asthma are among the underlying conditions listed that make patients eligible for a vaccine.

Last month, James spoke about his plans to have life-saving gastric surgery after his weight ballooned to 26 stone.

He also revealed how being obese has ‘serious implications on my heart’- something which is of concern to him because both of his parents suffer from heart problems. 

Scary: Arg was no doubt relieved to get the jab as he previously said he could be in ‘serious trouble’ if he caught the deadly virus

Transformed: In 2015, James was the slimmest he’d ever been after losing four stone, but has since seen his weight creep back up (left in 2015 and right in 2021)

Priority: At 26 stone, the former TOWIE star, 33, is in a priority group due being severely overweight and asthmatic 

Vaccinated: The reality star was pictured heading out of the surgery clutching his appointment card and leaflet which provided information about the jab

Rocker: James cut a casual figure for his appointment in a black Rolling Stones hoodie of their song ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’

Speaking on Loose Women, he told the panel: ‘My doctor said the weight I am right now, 26 stone, that is danger territory. My mum and my dad both suffer from heart problems and my dad has got a pacemaker so there could be serious implications for my heart.

‘People even say to me, with my weight as it is at the moment, if I catch Covid, I could be one of the people that could be in serious trouble.’

He added: ‘It is difficult as it is intense and serious. It’s nothing to be taken lightly. I know that if I just work hard then I can do it. It’s just about maintaining it. I’ve always struggled finding a happy medium. 

‘I believe from the research I’ve done, it can potentially really help me in terms of portion control. It’ll help me long-term. Health is number one.

‘I’m rotating three different clothes as that’s all that fits me at the moment. All my friends and family haven’t said it’s too drastic – I think I have to go for it.’  

James cut a casual figure for his appointment in a black Rolling Stones hoodie of their song ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’. He teamed the look with orange trainers and black joggers.  

Priority: The vaccine roll out last week moved onto the next phase, with over-65s and younger people with underlying health conditions in England being offered the vaccine as the programme moves down through the priority list

Vaccine roll out: Number 10 aims to offer a jab to 17million more people in priority groups five to nine-  over-50s – by Easter 

Health scare: James, who last month said he is planning to have gastric surgery after his doctor called his weight ‘danger territory’, drove to the surgery on his blue Vespa

Danger zone: James previously revealed how being obese has ‘serious implications on my heart’- something which is of concern to him because both of his parents suffer from heart problems 

Health conditions that make patients in Priority Group Six eligible for a vaccine 

A blood cancer (such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma)



A heart problem

A chest complaint or breathing difficulties, including bronchitis, emphysema or severe asthma

A kidney disease

A liver disease

Lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as HIV infection, steroid medication, chemotherapy or radiotherapy)

Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or psoriasis (who may require long term immunosuppressive treatments)

Have had an organ transplant

Had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA)

A neurological or muscle wasting condition

A severe or profound learning disability

A problem with your spleen, example sickle cell disease, or you have had your spleen removed

Are seriously overweight (BMI of 40 and above)

Are severely mentally ill

James recently confessed that while he’s now marking a year of sobriety after overcoming his drug addiction, his weight has left him too embarrassed to leave the house and he spends hours alone comfort eating.  

He told The Sun: ‘I don’t want to die. An op is the only way I can lose weight. I see pictures of myself and it’s too upsetting. The other day I had to ask my manager to put my shoes on for me because I just couldn’t do it — my belly is too big. I can’t do up my own shoe laces.

‘I don’t want to die, it’s as simple as that. I’ve been told by doctors that I am morbidly obese and need to lose weight, but I have an eating disorder, so I can’t do it.’

James said he’s now agonising over which form of stomach surgery to have with both operations costing around £10,000 each.

He’s deciding between a gastric bypass, which sees part of the stomach stapled to make it smaller, and sleeve gastrectomy, which is a more permanent procedure which sees a large section of the stomach removed.

Both operations will dramatically reduced the amount of food James can eat, meaning he will lose weight, and the star said he’s due to decide in the coming weeks which procedure he’ll have.

The media personality has faced a much-publicised battle with his weight, which has drastically fluctuated since he rose to fame in 2010. 

In 2015, the musician was the slimmest he’d ever been, after transforming his physique by losing a whopping four stone.

But since then, James’ weight has crept back up, and he confessed he’s now too ashamed to leave his home during the day, and waits until it’s dark to go out in the hope he won’t be recognised. 

The Essex native said that even his close friend Mark Wright has been moved to tears with concern about his size, and finally convinced him to face it by stepping on the scales.

James admitted they were stunned to see he weighed nearly 27 stone, and warned him he needed to take his size seriously as it was having a serious effect on his health.

Speaking of his close friendship with Mark, he said: ‘I speak to him every day. He’s seriously concerned. He wants to help me.’ 

Battle: The media personality has faced a much-publicised battle with his weight, which has drastically fluctuated since he rose to fame in 2010

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