Beauty influencer James Charles has apologized for sexting with underage fans, saying he should have been more diligent at finding out their true ages.
YouTube beauty vlogger James Charles is taking full responsibility for recent allegations that he exchanged inappropriate, flirty messages online with boys who turned out to be underage. The 21-year-old posted a nearly 15 minute video to YT on Apr. 1 titled Holding Myself Accountable where be explained how he believed the people he was interacting with were 18, but didn’t do the due diligence online to find out their true ages.
“Within the past couple of weeks, two different people under the age of 18 have recently come forward saying they had inappropriate messages from me on social media,” explained. He claimed he added those people on Snapchat, “asked how old they were right away, was told they were 18, believed them, engaged in a flirty conversation and later on found out that they were 16.” James said that, “Upon finding out, I was embarrassed and immediately blocked both people.”’ allowfullscreen=’true’ style=’border:0;’ sandbox=’allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-presentation’>
“Later on when I saw them making videos about it, and those videos going viral, my immediate reaction was to be really, really upset,” James continued. He said he initially wanted to make a video defending himself as he did in 2019’s No More Lies, but “As I did more research on these topics and self-reflected, I realized that the receipts and the screenshots and the specific details of the interaction really don’t matter because I f**ked up, and I needed to take accountability for my actions and, most importantly, apologize to the people who were affected by them.”
“I trusted the information that was given to me rather than the information I could have and should have gotten myself,” he explained. “In both of these situations, doing research into these people’s public social-media profiles would’ve revealed their true ages, and therefore these conversations would have never happened in the first place. But I didn’t do the research, and that is what is so embarrassing,” James confessed.