Kanye West Under Fire For Wearing ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirt

Kanye West, officially Ye, has kicked off another controversy after wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt at a Yeezy Season 9 show at Paris Fashion Week.

During the last-minute runway presentation, Ye wore a shirt emblazoned with the words “White Lives Matter” and brought conservative firebrand Candace Owens out in a matching shirt as well.

The Black Lives Matter organization issued a strong statement on Tuesday, October 4 in response to the move.

First issued to TMZ, the Black Lives Matter statement reads, “While some may see Kanye and Candace’s stunt as a distraction, we recognize that it harms thousands of families fighting for justice for their loved ones killed by state-sanctioned violence. It can spread toxic confusion and be used to legitimize violent assaults on Black people. Battling misinformation while continuing to do the hard [work] that liberation requires is nothing new for us.”

“Kanye West and Candace Owens sent a performative dog whistle to millions,” the organization added. “Kanye knows very well that ‘white lives’ have never been targeted for oppression. Black folks, in contrast, are at the bottom of virtually every economic, social and political measure because of centuries of individual and institutional racism.”

After the fashion show, Kanye posted a now-deleted Instagram Story, which read, “EVERYONE KNOWS THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER WAS A SCAM NOW ITS OVER YOU’RE WELCOME”

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