Katie Price praised by charity shop colleagues amid community service

EXCLUSIVE: ‘She’s one of the lads!’ Katie Price is praised by charity shop colleagues who feared she would be a ‘princess’ during community service

Katie Price has been described as ‘one of the lads’ by colleagues at the charity shop where she’s serving community service.

The former glamour model, 44, is currently carrying out 170 hours of unpaid work at a St Catherine’s Hospice furniture store for breaching a restraining order against her ex-husband’s partner.

Katie has spent her time helping customers who have queries, cleaning and sorting for sale items – which also include second-hand TVs and appliances – and transporting purchases to people’s cars.

Like Katie, a number of those working there are also doing community service – the majority of whom are men – and her colleagues have been taken by the TV personality’s willingness for work and lack of ‘airs and graces’.

One told MailOnline, ‘When we heard Katie would be in working here, there were a few raised eyebrows about what she would be like, and if she might be a bit of a princess.

Praise: Katie Price has been described as ‘one of the lads’ by colleagues at the charity shop where she’s serving community service

Work: The former glamour model, 44, is currently carrying out 170 hours of unpaid work at a St Catherine’s Hospice furniture store for breaching a restraining order

‘Then when she turned up in her big 4×4 we thought, “Here we go”, but we couldn’t have been more wrong.’

They continued of the reality star: ‘She immediately got to work doing what she was asked without question, and appears to have no airs and graces.

‘No job has been beneath her, and actually she’s been a great laugh, smiling and chatting away. She’s just like one of the lads.’

Though one thing Prince isn’t, apparently, is good for business. For another colleague added, ‘Nobody has been in here asking after her after seeing photos of her in the media – it’s just been business as usual for us, to be honest.’

Katie was handed a 18-month order at Lewes Crown Court to carry out the unpaid work and pay £1,500 in costs after admitting to breaching a restraining order. 

The mum-of-five avoided jail after claiming she ‘misunderstood’ the rules of a restraining order when she sent a ‘vile’ message about her ex-husband’s fiancée.

On Monday, the reality star got stuck into shifting furniture at St Catherine’s Hospice, dusting down a bike and sorting pricing on items for sale.

Fresh from flaunting her assets during a recent holiday in Spain, Katie sported bronzed tan and wore a purple T-shirt, blue Nike leggings and Ugg boots.

Shock: Like Katie, a number of those working there are also doing community service – the majority of whom are men – and her colleagues have been taken by the TV personality’s willingness for work and lack of ‘airs and graces’ 

Katie had a broad smile on her face as she moved furniture around and chatted to fellow volunteers and customers.

Her on-off fiancé Carl Woods, 34, then arrived in a Mini Cooper to pick Katie up after her shift.

St Catherine’s Hospice runs 14 charity shops across West Sussex and East Surrey that raise ‘vital’ funds for the charity, bringing in more than £1.6million last year.

The money goes towards helping people in the community suffering from terminal illness who need specialised care, as well as loved ones in need of bereavement support.

Katie avoided being locked up after she claimed to have ‘misunderstood’ the rules of a restraining order when she sent a ‘vile and nasty’ message about her ex Kieran Hayler’s fiancée.

Katie had been banned from contacting Michelle Penticost directly or indirectly for five years in June 2019 after she hurled a foul-mouthed ‘tirade of abuse’ at her during a row in a school playground.

Work: ‘Then when she turned up in her big 4×4 we thought, “Here we go”, but we couldn’t have been more wrong. She immediately got to work doing what she was asked without question’

Banned: Katie had been banned from contacting ex Kieran Hayler’s fiancee Michelle Penticost directly or indirectly for five years in June 2019

She admitted to breaching the order, when she sent a text to her ex-husband, branding his fiancée Michelle a ‘gutter s**g’.

The message read: ‘Tell your c***ing w***e piece of s*** girlfriend not to start on me.

‘She has a restraining order so shouldn’t try antagonise me as she is in breach and I’m sure she doesn’t want people knowing that she was having an affair with you behind my back. That gutter s**g.’

The court heard the offence was committed due to Katie’s use of the words ‘tell your’, which was an indirect attempt to communicate with Michelle.

It was also said her message to Kieran may have been triggered by an Instagram post by Michelle, which she denies was aimed at Katie.

Last year, Katie was handed a 16-week suspended sentence after crashing her BMW X5 while drunk in September 2021.

She then dodged a potential jail term in January 2022 after £7,358 fines she owed for driving offences were paid at the last minute.

Katie Price’s rap sheet 


Katie Price escaped a speeding charge after police failed to arrest her within 12 weeks of allegedly clocking 70mph in a 40mph zone in her Range Rover.


After talking on the mobile phone while driving on April 18, Price landed three penalty points.


Price failed to provide the identity of the driver after her car was allegedly caught speeding in a 30mph zone and was later handed four penalty points after being clocked at 99mph and was handed four points on her licence.


Price was convicted for failing to be in proper control of her horsebox after veering into another lane in February and was given three points on her licence, bringing her total to 10.


Then in December she banned from driving for six months after doing 83mph in a 70mph zone in her home county of West Sussex.


Two years later, Katie was disqualified for 12 months for failing to respond to two speeding tickets in September.


Katie landed a six-month ban in February 2018 for speeding after totting up 12 penalty points for speeding.


In July, photos emerged of her driving while still banned.


Then in October she was arrested on suspicion of drink driving and spent 13 hours in custody after crashing into a VW Golf and a hedge on a gated estate at 2am.


She was given a three-month ban for driving while disqualified in January of that year.


Handed a five-year restraining order banning her from contacting Michelle Penticost either directly or indirectly after hurling abuse at her during an argument at a school playground.


And then in October, Price was banned from driving for a further18 months for failing to inform police who was behind the wheel of her pink Range Rover during a crash in Bexley, south east London.


Price crashes her BMW car on a country road near her West Sussex home in the early hours of the morning after drinking and taking drugs.

She pleaded guilty at Crawley Magistrates of drink driving, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance and is handed a 16-week suspended prison sentence.


She pleads guilty to breaching a five-year restraining order not to contact, directly or indirectly, Michelle Penticost.

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