Katie Price slams Loose Women panel as 'cruel' and say 'they hate me'

Katie Price slams Loose Women panel as ‘so cruel’ and insists ‘they hate me’ for not mentioning her during interview with her son Junior Andre

Katie Price has lashed out at the Loose Women panel after they avoided mentioning her during an interview with her son Junior Andre. 

The former glamour model, 45, ranted about the daytime show during a recent TikTok live, insisting that ‘they hate me’.

Her angry tirade was prompted by Junior’s appearance on the show on Friday, to discuss his new single, Only One.

But Katie took umbrage with the fact that the panel only mentioned Junior’s father, Peter Andre, and avoided any mention of her, despite her being a former panellist on the show herself between 2015 and 2018.

Furious: Katie Price has lashed out at the Loose Women panel after they avoided mentioning her during an interview with her son Junior Andre (pictured in January)

Fuming: The former glamour model, 45, ranted about the daytime show during a recent TikTok live, insisting that ‘they hate me’

Debut: Her angry tirade was prompted by Junior’s appearance on the show on Friday, to discuss his new single, Only One

She said: ‘Isn’t it weird I was in Big Brother with Nadia, I presented with all the other ones on Loose Women.

‘Not one mention about his mum, not one mention about “is your mum proud of you?” It was all Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete.

‘He was obviously told not to talk about me. It is so cruel. But that’s what this industry is like!’

Katie did not let the matter drop, and brought it up again to her and Peter’s other child Princess, 16.

She said: ‘I had to just confess to everyone how on Loose Women they didn’t even mention me considering I worked with them.

‘I said I am in his life I do see him and I do speak to him and we all do. But our whole family are left out of everything because they hate me.’

During his appearance, Junior explained of his career in music: ‘It came to be naturally. When I was 15 that’s when I decided it’s what I wanna do.

‘So I went to the studio, made the song. I heard myself on the track and was like wow this is what I wanna do. My family has supported me the whole way.

Chat: The 18-year-old spoke to Kaye Adams, Judi Love, Nadia Sawalha and Jane Moore in his first solo TV interview

Fuming: But Katie took umbrage with the fact that the panel only mentioned Junior’s father, Peter Andre, and avoided any mention of her

History: Katie has been a regular guest on Loose Women over the years and was even a former panellist herself between 2015 and 2018 (pictured on the show in 2019 with Coleen Nolan, Nadia Sawalha, Saira Khan and Gloria Hunniford)

‘Every day since I’ve been 15 music has been my life every single day. I’ve recorded over 150 songs. 

‘But the creative process is that you record lots and only a few are good enough to release.’

Asked about his famous parents, Junior said: ‘Naturally I’m gonna get compared to my dad. I take my looks from my mum and my dad.

‘Overall hard work pays off. If you’re not good it’s not gonna happen. I’m very determined and it’s really my passion. I really really love it.’

Junior said that ahead of his appearance on Loose Women, Peter gave him some supportive words. 

The youngster shared: ‘He’s so happy for me. He said good look. He said ”son smash it, I’m so proud of you.”

And of the advice his father has given him, Junior revealed: ‘He said always remain humble, stay grounded, remember where you come from. Treat people with respect love and positivity.

Asked if he is he managing his money well, Junior admitted: ‘You have to be careful with money or it just goes like that.

‘Being self employed you don’t get paid straight away. It takes a couple of months to come in and then there’s tax… Oh, you have to pay tax!’

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