Prince Andrew will be deposed on ‘neutral’ ground in London on March 10th

Virginia Giuffre’s attorney David Boies confirmed that he would fly to the UK to depose Prince Andrew in person, as opposed to a video-conference deposition. The trial is moving forward, and the judge has maintained a strict schedule for when these things will happen. I kept thinking that Andrew’s lawyers would push back the depositions for months, but it looks like it really will be happening sooner rather than later. According to the Telegraph, Boies will fly into the UK in March, and Andrew has agreed to be deposed on March 10.

Prince Andrew will be deposed by lawyers for his accuser on March 10 at a “neutral” location in London, The Telegraph understands. The Duke of York will be forced to make a statement under oath to attorneys representing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who will be flying in from the US to interview Andrew in person. Sources with knowledge of the case told The Telegraph that both sides agreed on the date after a lengthy back-and-forth over scheduling issues.

David Boies and Sigrid McCawley, of Boies Schiller Flexner, will first question Prince Andrew – in a grilling which is expected to last around two days – before interviewing Shukri Walker, a woman who is alleged to have seen the Duke and Ms Giuffre together at a nightclub 20 years ago, and Robert Ashton Olney, who was a royal equerry for Andrew. Mr Boies, 80, a skilled interviewer with a reputation as the “greatest deposition-taker” in modern American justice, has said he is looking forward to looking the Duke in the eye.

On Monday, Judge Kaplan signed four requests to courts in the UK and in Australia, where Ms Giuffre and her family live, asking for assistance in securing testimony. In Australia, the requests were to facilitate the taking of testimony of Mr Giuffre’s husband, Robert, and her psychologist, Judith Lightfoot. The 38-year-old alleged victim could be allowed to conduct her deposition via video feed because of pandemic-related travel difficulties.

A source close to the Duke on Friday night expressed frustration that despite complying with the legal process, Ms Giuffre had not confirmed any details for her own deposition. The source told The Telegraph: “We agreed to voluntarily produce the Duke for a deposition on March 10. Despite repeated requests, Ms. Giuffre still hasn’t committed to a date or location for her deposition.”

The Duke is being prepared for his interview by his UK-based legal team and advisors. His disastrous performance on BBC’s Newsnight in November 2019 has prompted fears that he will not perform well under pressure.

[From The Telegraph]

LOL, they should be afraid of how Andrew will hold up under questioning from an American lawyer who is good at his f–king job. Andrew made a complete ass out of himself on Newsnight and he wasn’t even under oath! And that was back when he was trying to convince everyone that he barely knew Jeffrey Epstein and he (Andrew) was a lot closer to Ghislaine Maxwell. Anyway, notice that Andrew’s lawyers are trying to make it sound like Virginia is being squirrelly about when and where she’ll be deposed. SHE is the one suing, my dudes. And she’s in Australia, a country with really strict quarantine times and travel restrictions. She can’t just pop out of Australia for a few days to be deposed. I guarantee that Andrew and his lawyers put up more of a fight about the timing of his deposition than Virginia did with hers.

Anyway, mark your calendars. Not only will the Windsors go all out to distract from Andrew’s deposition, I expect the sh-t will hit the fan afterwards, as Andrew will inevitably get caught up in his own web of lies. I wonder if his lawyers are waiting until after the deposition to offer Virginia a huge settlement. Incidentally, please don’t argue that the Queen made her big “Queen Camilla” statement to distract from this. She did not.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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