Few shows have managed to retain as much staying power as Gilmore Girls, a witty series that revolved around the complicated relationship between a young mother and teenage daughter. But one brand-new Netflix series is hoping to at least capture some of that nostalgic sparkle. Ginny & Georgia, which premiered on February 24, deftly mixes in other elements that make the series a hit with viewers. During the show’s first episode, Georgia Miller, the 30-year-old mother to 15-year-old Ginny, quips, “We’re like the Gilmore Girls – but with bigger boobs.” The show often reveals bits of the intriguing but mysterious past of Georgia, who is played by Brianne Howey, an actress, who it seems, is witnessing the blossoming of her career (via Vox).
While her starring role on Ginny & Georgia is, without a doubt, Howey’s most prominent to date, she has taken on a few other intriguing characters throughout her career, which spans a bit over a decade. Back in 2014, Howey was cast as Kat Rance, the sister of the possessed woman on the television series The Exorcist. She also had roles in other notable projects, including The Passage, I’m Dying Up Here, Dollface, and Batwoman. (via IMDb).
Despite experiencing success in Hollywood, Howey did not always want to be in the limelight.
Howey envisioned a far less glamorous career path prior to attending college
Though Brianne Howey grew up just outside of Hollywood, in Pasadena, California, her youthful career plans did not involve becoming famous. Instead, she wanted to travel around the world as a flight attendant. “I didn’t really think of acting as a serious career until I was in college,” she told Complex in 2014. “When I was little, I wanted to be a flight attendant or something. I love to travel. They were so cute and so helpful and they got to travel everywhere.”
However, after leaning into her drama studies at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, she realized that the world of acting was where she belonged. Howey also minored in child psychology, highlighting her affinity for family dynamics. “I love kids,” she told Imagista. “I am from a huge family, and I think I have always been curious to know why we are the way we are, which I believe all stems from our childhood.”
Howey currently resides in Los Angeles with her fiancé, Matt Ziering, and their adorable Australian Shepherd mix Bodie (via PopSugar). Fingers crossed that we’ll see her in a second season of Ginny & Georgia.
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