Oscar-winning animation film producer Nicolas Schmerkin (“Logorama,” 2010) has revealed his Paris-based outfit Autour de Minuit has signed a pre-development agreement with Franco-German TV channel Arte for its latest project, “Fucking Cat”, which is being pitched at this week’s Cartoon Forum in Toulouse.
An adaptation of Belgian author Stéphane Lapuss’ “Putain de Chat” comic book series, “Fucking Cat” tells the story of Moustique, the talking cat, who, like all cats, hates humans and would like to get rid of his master but faces the dilemna of how to become master of the world without giving up his cat food. Both Lapuss and co-author Lionel Bonnal will assist in penning the adaptation.
“The concept is that the cat talks but the human doesn’t, he just hears the ‘miaow’: it’s both situation comedy and dialogue comedy – the audience hears what the cat says to his master, and it’s not very nice,” said Schmerkin, who is planning to produce a first season of 30 three-minute episodes aimed at young adults aged 12-plus.
Schmerkin announced the series will be directed by Christophe Gautry –best known for his shorts “Le Concile Lunatique,” “Parle-Moi,” “Vertige” – who will also co-write.
A regular at Cartoon Forum, Schmerkin said he was close to renewing a production deal with Canal+ for a second season of “Freaked Out”, his young adult animated series presented at last year’s edition which launched earlier this year on Canal+ in a 20 x 2’ format.
Autour de Minuit is also about to start production on a second season of preschool hit series “Jean-Michel Super Caribou” with national French broadcaster France Télévisions.
On the feature front, Autour de Minuit produced “Unicorn Wars,” from Alberto Vázquez (“Birdboy: The Forgotten Children”), a hit at this year’s Annecy Festival, will be out in Spanish cinema theatres on Oct. 21 and is set for a national release in France on Nov. 30. Charades is handling international sales.
Cartoon Forum, Europe’s leading industry event for animated TV series projects, runs over Sept. 19-21 in the south-eastern French city of Toulouse.
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