I'm a dog expert and here's how to tell if your pup doesn't love you

I’m a dog expert and here are five ways to tell if your pooch DOESN’T love you

  • Dogs may be man’s best friend but what do they really think about their owners? 
  • Canine expert @doghealthwithlola revealed how to know if your pup likes you
  • The unnamed content creator revealed signs to look out for in your furry friend
  • READ MORE: Vets reveal the REAL reasons why your dog could be licking you

Dogs may be man’s best friend – but what do they really think about their owners?

Now, a canine expert, who posts under the username @doghealthwithlola, has revealed how to know if your furry friend actually likes you.

The pup lover, who is believed to be in the US, frequently uploads videos of their own dog but, more recently, has switched to sharing pet health and advice with their followers. 

In one of their latest clips, the unnamed content creator broke down the signs that can reveal your dog’s true feelings for you. 

A dog expert who posts under the username @doghealthwithlola has revealed how to know if your furry friend is fan of yours or not

The content creator said your dog may not love you if they don’t look at you or wag their tail

Know your pooch! The signs your dog DOESN’T love you

  • Avoidance
  • No eye contact
  • Doesn’t wag their tail
  • Aggression 
  • Never seeks your attention  

The first clue your pup may not favor you is ‘avoidance.’ 

‘Your dog may often try to avoid you or doesn’t seem to want to be near you. 

‘[They may be] frequently hiding or moving to another room when you approach,’ the dog expert explained. 

If your pooch doesn’t look at you, it can also signal that they don’t love you. 

‘Dogs typically show trust and affection through eye contact. If your dog consistently avoids making eye contact, it may suggest discomfort or disinterest,’ they explained.

Wag! advisory board member and dog behaviorist Robert Cabral told Insider that your dog may not look you ‘because dogs will most often choose flight as opposed to fight.’

The third tell-tale sign your furry friend may not want to be around you is ‘no tail wagging.’ 

The content creator noted: ‘While not all tail wagging indicates happiness or affection, a lack of tail wagging when you interact with your dog might show a lack of excitement or positive association.’

If a dog is aggressive with you, they may not love you. 

If your dog often is aggressive or growls, it may be a sign that they don’t love you

Does your dog love you?

‘If your dog often growls, snaps, or shows signs of fear like crowing or fleeing when you’re near, they may not feel comfortable or safe around you,’ the TikToker said. 

However, Robert told the outlet: ‘If a dog is biting you, they are acting out of self-preservation, a basic drive that almost all animals have.’ 

It’s not typical for them to bite when they don’t like you, just when they feel threatened.

Lastly, if your pup doesn’t ‘seek your attention’ they may not be your biggest fan. 

‘Dogs often show affection by seeking their owner’s attention through play, cuddling, or simply following them around. 

‘If your dog doesn’t engage in these behaviors, it might suggest a lack of attachment.’

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