Inside Russell Brand’s $20 Million That Fortune Continues To Grow

Russell Brand is one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood. He has made an absolute fortune and along the way, has made name for himself in the world of comedy, acting, and by way of podcast, where many of his fans tune in to hear his personal thoughts and engage in conversations about current topics. Brand has been famously linked to Katy Perry, and has seen his name splashed across numerous headlines for well over two decades now. His wild antics, both on, and off screen, as well as his candid conversations about his struggles with addiction, have made Brand both a relatable, and likable celebrity that commands the attention of millions of fans each time he speaks. He continues to expand on his already impressive net worth of $20 million.

Turning Heads With His Career

Born in Essex in 1975, Brand grew up to be a very eccentric, vocal, expressive child that wasn’t at all shy in front of the cameras. He eagerly took on any challenge, both personal and career-oriented, and seemed to leap into fame without hesitation or too much planned crafting. He has done everything from acting on the small screen, the big screen, the comedy stage, podcasts, and has even delved into writing and hosting over the years.

An activist at heart, and a fearless leader by nature, Brand confidently expresses himself in whatever way he feels comfortable, and is never one to tiptoe around sensitive topics or situations. He was first scouted at the Hackney Empire New Act of the Year when he was just 25 and he went on to start working at MTV that same year.

The cameras have been on him, ever since.

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When Brand Became A Brand

Whether you’re a fan of Brand’s antics, or someone that is just now discovering his outspoken ways, there is one thing that nobody can deny; he effortlessly and skillfully commands his audience.

Brand has an innate ability to convey his thoughts without putting much emphasis on what the results of that communication may be. He’s far less concerned with how people will act or react to the statements he makes, than he is about being able to freely engage people by sharing his uninhibited thoughts.

By doing so, Russell Brand has attracted a huge fan following, comprised of people that are truly mesmerized by his candid rants and reviews, and entertained by the fact that he puts himself in the hot seat in order to create platforms of discussion for other people across the globe. Russel Brand has essentially created his own brand… and is known as being a critical thinker and vocal advocate for all he believes in.

His fans, are all-in.

Some Of The Super Cool Things He Has Done

Russell’s career has been a long one that is jam-packed with a series of cool projects, fun jobs, and interesting moments. He has always presented himself as a truly extroverted, eccentric character, and has been fortunate enough to dabble in a variety of very cool projects.

He has created his very own comedy documentary called RE:Brand, which garnered a lot of attention and served as an opportunity for him to pursue other television jobs, such as his involvement in Big Brother’s spin-off show, Big Brother’s Big Mouth.

He has worked in radio and hosted The Russell Brand Show on BBC  in 2006, then went on to launch his nation-wide tour that very same year. He was soon recognized as being a successful presenter and actor and explored life on the big screen when he appeared in movies such as St Trinian’s, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek. No stranger to the microphone, he also “leant his voice to the character Dr. Nefario in the popular Universal movies, Despicable Me and the sequel.”

He has since gone on to write a number of books that delve into his not-so-secret struggles with addiction. He has even penned children’s books, which feature widely different content. His notable published works include;  “My Booky Wook, Booky Wook 2: This Time It’s Personal, Russell Brand’s Trickster Tales: The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Revolution and most recently, Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions.”

Over the span of his career, Brand has appeared in well over a dozen movies and television shows, multiple podcasts including The Russell Brand Podcast and Under The Skin With Russell Brand, and continues to earn an impressive income by sharing his thoughts and views to all those that are interested in hearing his perspective.

He currently commands a massive fan following and has well over 4.8 million subscribers on his YouTube channel alone. He is enormously influential, and the world is tuning in.

Maintaining Relevance

Russell Brand has created waves of controversy among his fans and followers, by speaking openly and candidly about topics that are sensitive to many. Much of his content is disagreeable to his viewers, but he doesn’t shy away from pushing his audience to convey their opinions, whether they are agreeable to his, or not. He believes in freedom of speech and expression, and a lot of times, that means he isn’t on everyone’s list of favorites. He’s highly controversial in his approach, and his views, and stirs the pot of popular opinion quite regularly. As a result, Brand continues to remain relevant, continues to gain followers on social media, and maintains his fame by remaining in the spotlight.

Like him, or leave him, Russell Brand’s controversial moments continue to keep him in the public eye, and he monetizes on the attention in a very big way.

Creating Waves Of Controversy

The level of controversy created by Brand isn’t just restricted to his podcasts and the public forums he speaks on. It is also parlayed by his actions, and his brazen form of conveying his eccentric personality.

During his time as a video journalist on MTV, he did something that was far too much for most people to absorb and was definitely not something they were comfortable getting behind. Just one day after the tragedy that struck New York on September 11th, 2001, he came to work dressed as Osama bin Laden. This was typical Brand behavior, but it was just too much, too soon. He was subsequently fired.

In 2006 he was the host of a BBC Radio  show called The Russell Brand Show. For reasons unknown, or at the very least unidentified, Brand called Andrew Sachs and claimed he had engaged in intimate relations with his grand daughter. This eyebrow-raising moment ultimately led to his suspension.

These days, he is fully established and settled in his career, and continues to make waves with his personality and outspoken demeanor. Brand continues to pad his bank account with layers of income through his exposure in the media and the world of entertainment, and is forecasted to exponentially increase his already astounding $20 million net worth.

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Sources: Celebrity Net Worth, Express UK, Daily Mail


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