Kate and William are ‘like-minded’ and ‘calm’ parents – ‘encouraging confidence in kids’

Queen's Jubilee: Prince Louis blows raspberry at Kate Middleton

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Prince Louis’ facial expressions made headlines last weekend as he moved about playfully in his seat while watching the Platinum Pageant on Sunday, June 5. But it was his mother, Kate, who had to discipline him and make sure that he behaved. How did she do it with all eyes on her?

Parenting expert Gifty Enright spoke to Express.co.uk about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s parenting skills, explaining that Louis was acting like all young children – they tend to fidget and are unable to sit in one place for long.

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, like any parents with small children, are going through the physically intensive part of childrearing,” Gifty said.

“Prince Louis who is almost four years old, as adorable as he is, was quite a handful during the Jubilee celebrations, but that is what four-year-olds do.

“They are easily bored and looking for the next bit of fun and sitting and watching pageants on for hours on end might not be their idea of fun.”

Gifty continued: “We could see Prince Louis go from the Kate to William and even to Prince Charles at one point.

“This shows that the Cambridges have an equitable and inclusive attitude towards parenting.

“This is great for the kids as it helps to build their relationships with others apart from their mum and dad.”

The parenting expert added that “the older children of the Cambridges were impeccably behaved, which shows how good Kate and William are as parents to be able to instill that level of discipline into them for the big occasions”.

Body language expert Judi James agreed that the Cambridges’ approach to parenting is equitable – for them, it is all about teamwork.

She explained: “One of the subtler but possibly more powerful aspects of William and Kate’s approach to parenting that we watched over the Jubilee celebrations was teamwork.

“There were no moments caught on camera where one would step in to overrule or to take over from the other, meaning they gave the impression to their children that they were a united, like-minded unit with each having total confidence and faith in the other’s techniques for dealing with any problems.

“Their body language also appeared to suggest they were using a very fuss-free approach.

“William looked very laid-back and relaxed with his children, suggesting he had faith in them, too.”

As for Kate, Judi said she “needed to be more active dealing with Louis, but she never gave the impression that she was exasperated or that he was in any way out of her control”.

She continued: “Her reward signals were much stronger than any signals of disapproval, and that meant Louis turned to her for hugs on a frequent basis, as well as appearing to enjoy the Jubilee experience enormously.

“It was so important for all three of their children that they were able to have fun and to create a memory of happiness and playfulness.

“Kate was more on hand to play with her children than she was to keep them in check, and that meant they could get excited and even play games with the Tindall children without being over-policed in terms of sitting like formal little royals having what would have been a miserable experience.”

“William and Kate also seem to be fans of the skill of delegation, too,” Judi added.

“There were at least three occasions when Charlotte very calmly but firmly checked her brothers’ behaviour, pulling Louis’ hands down when he was clapping in the carriage and pulling his hand out of his mouth in the royal box, as well as telling George to put his arms to his sides on the balcony.

“Again, there is a very calm approach to this from William and Kate, which should encourage confidence in their children as well as that all-essential sense of fun.”

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