June Shannon was hit with some startling news during the June 11 season finale of ‘Mama June: Road To Redemption’.
The June 11 season finale of Mama June: Road to Redemption provided some much needed closure for everyone in Mama June Shannon‘s life. Especially her family. But was it the news they wanted? It depends on how you look at it.
The final hour of this heart-pounding season ended with June and boyfriend Geno Doak going to court and finally facing their fate after being indicted on felony drug charges. June had previously said she was facing two years in prison, while Geno was facing up to 10. So, of course, they were nervous about the possibility of getting thrown in the slammer. But it wasn’t always like that. At first, June joked about the ongoing situation and what their punishment might be.
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So Geno took matters into his own hands last week, when he had the police throw June in jail to show her how bad prison could be. And after she lived the life of a prisoner for just a few hours, during which she was harassed by an inmate and forced to wear an orange jumpsuit, June finally saw what her life would be like if the judge did throw the book at her.
Fortunately for her, it never came to that. After nearly seven hours in court, June told her family that she wouldn’t be going to prison. Instead, the judge sentenced her to 100 hours of community service. Everyone celebrated, but the clapping and hugs were short-lived, as June also informed her kids that Geno might not face the same fate. Apparently, his sentencing was put off for quite some time, so they still don’t know whether or not he’ll go to prison.