My daughter cut all contact with me after a row and I can't see my grandson

DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER she rowed with my husband, my daughter cut all contact with me. Until then, my grandson was a huge part of my life.

I have gone from doing the lion’s share of childcare to not seeing my grandson at all in the past six months. It breaks my heart.

I am a 55-year-old grandma, while my husband is 58. We have been married for 30 years.

Ever since my grandson was born, I looked after him a couple of days a week while his mum worked.

It was hard but I always loved spending time with him. He is a gorgeous little lad and is now five.

Two years ago, our daughter split from her partner and moved in with us.

We helped her get back on her feet and clear her debts.

My daughter can be lazy so I made it clear she was welcome in our home only on the understanding that when she was not working, she would be responsible for her son.

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She started dating a guy last year and would sneak out to see him at night.

She was often still at his house the next morning while I was left — literally — holding the baby.

When she wasn’t working, she would plonk him in front of a screen for most of the day so she could do her own thing. One day my husband flipped and told her a few home truths.

After a horrible row our daughter left, taking her belongings and her son with her. We haven’t seen either of them since.

He was a massive part of my life and I think about him all the time.

I have tried reaching out to my daughter but she doesn’t respond.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I can see this must be heartbreaking for you. Your daughter might have reacted angrily because she agreed with you in her heart and your husband’s comments hit a raw nerve.

Send her a letter saying how you regret the row and are sorry if she felt hurt. Make it clear you miss her as well as your grandson. Say you want to put it right by any means possible.

Be prepared to apologise – even if you feel you are not in the wrong.

Don’t criticise her boyfriend, as she will dig in her heels and only be more likely to stay with him.

Emphasise to her how important a child-grandparent relationship is.

I hope she will respond and you can be reunited.

You can find understanding through the Grandparents Apart self-help group, contactable at or by phone on 0141 882 5658.

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