My parents struggle to eat whilst my sister is carelessly fleecing their pension | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: MY sister has fled the country fearing that a government agency is after her because she is delusional and has mental health problems.

She is currently in Cyprus, staying with an elderly couple and is allegedly looking after them, for free food and board.

My sister is 37 and I’m 42. Up until six months ago, my sister lived rent-free with my parents, both in their 70s.

Despite having health problems, my parents are currently giving her half their pension, while their fridge is bare.

My mum was ill recently so I called in to cook them a meal and there was no fresh food available.

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She admitted they’d been living on frozen food and tins, sending my sister half their income.

In some ways it’s good she moved out but the problem is she is fleecing them and isn’t well herself.

I knew she had mental health problems but Mum and Dad always played things down. I’ve tried to reach my sister but she never responds.

DEIDRE SAYS:  As your sister is an adult and hasn’t done anything illegal, it’s doubtful you can find help from the authorities but you can get advice from Mind, the mental health charity (, 0300 123 3393).

Insist that your parents stop sending her money. And if she contacts them, ask them to refer her to you.

You’ll have a better chance of assessing the situation if you can fly to see her but in the meantime, get advice on how best to support your parents at (0800 678 1602).


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