The cost-of-living crisis has ruined our wedding plans | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: THE cost-of-living crisis has ruined my wedding plans, and I’m gutted.

My fiancé and I work hard and are careful with money, but at the end of the month we have nothing left to save.

So we can’t afford even a modest register office ceremony.

I’m 30, he is 32 and we’ve been together four years.

Life feels such a struggle. We can’t afford nights out, takeaways or holidays.

We buy our food at cheap supermarkets and look for bargains. Our greatest indulgence is a £5 bottle of wine on a Friday night.

I wonder if we’ll ever be able to afford to have kids.

During the pandemic the one thing we were looking forward to was getting married – a celebration with our family and friends.

But the rise in utility bills, rent and everything else has ruined that too.

There’s no way we can afford a party or a wedding dress.

I know I’m lucky – I have a lovely fiancé, home and a job – but I can’t stop crying.

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DEIDRE SAYS: So many hardworking decent people are stretched to their limits at the moment.

No, it isn’t fair. And it’s cruel that you can’t afford to have a wedding.

Perhaps there are things you haven’t thought of, which will allow you to put some money aside.

Check with Turn2us to see if you are entitled to any benefits (, 0808 802 2000).

The Sun’s Money pages have savvy shopping tips (


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Sell unwanted bric-a-brac or clothes on sites like Vinted or Ebay. You could also hire a wedding dress.

Your wedding will be wonderful, regardless, because you’ll be with the people you love.

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