U.K. Prime Minister Debate Canceled After Presenter Faints On-Air

A live debate between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, two British politicians vying for the open Prime Minister position, was canceled Tuesday after the debate’s presenter fainted on-air.

Truss was in the middle of responding to question when presenter and Talk TV political editor Kate McCann fainted and loudly crashed to the floor off camera. The incident was caught on Talk TV and happened 30 minutes into the debate, when Truss and Sunak were answering questions from members of the public.

Truss was visibly shaken watching McCann faint. “Oh my god,” she says as McCann faints, then walked off camera to assist her, which can be seen in the Twitter video below.

Despite the loud thud, McCann ended up being fine, according to Talk TV, but the debate was canceled.

“Kate McCann fainted on air tonight and although she is fine, the medical advice was that we shouldn’t continue with the debate. We apologise to our viewers and listeners,” Talk TV tweeted.

Truss, who is the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, tweeted her relief that McCann was unhurt after fainting.

“Relieved to hear Kate McCann is fine. Really sorry that such a good debate had to end. Look forward to catching up with Kate and the rest of the The Sun Talk TV team again soon,” Truss tweeted.

Truss and Sunak, who has served as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Chief Secretary to the Treasury, are the two remaining Conservative Party candidates who are up for filling the Prime Minister seat after Boris Johnson resigned earlier this month after multiple scandals.

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