Why Albanese should focus on his third-term promises

In 2009, Anthony Albanese, then minister for infrastructure in the Rudd government, announced that $3 million would be given to help redevelop the Wayside Chapel in Sydney, which had “provided its brand of unconditional care and support to people on and around the streets of Kings Cross since it was first opened by Rev Ted Noffs as a ‘social experiment’ in 1964”.

Last Sunday, Albanese attended a play at Sydney’s Belvoir Theatre focusing on one aspect of that
“social experiment”. Wayside Bride revolves around Noffs’ willingness, unmatched at the time, to marry those who had trouble finding a church that would marry them, such as divorcees and couples from different races and faiths. The production featured Albanese’s friend Sacha Horler, but it’s unlikely the reasons were only personal. As a way to end his first week as prime minister, his attendance sent a strong early symbol of support for the arts. After two incredibly tough years, which followed years of funding cuts, the arts community noticed.

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

It is easy to over-read symbolism in politics, but one imagines Albanese was conscious more than most of the fact he was watching an Australian play telling Australian stories. He might have noted, too, the fact that underlies the tale: that the largest changes in society take many years. These are not simple changes but shifts in what is acceptable: the transformation from seeming outrageous to just the way things are.

One long-running Australian story progressed a little last week, with Albanese’s appointment of an assistant minister for the republic. The appointment is probably useful, in that Albanese has committed to moving towards a referendum on the Indigenous Voice to parliament this term and, later, towards a referendum on the republic, and these will involve discussions and arrangements that will need to begin sooner rather than later. But the most important fact is that the position exists. Simply by including the word “republic” in his ministry list, Albanese has begun ushering the idea from the edges of national discussion, where it has hovered since the defeated 1999 referendum, back to the centre. Within a few years, it may seem as inevitable as divorcees marrying.

An important historical question for new prime ministers to consider is: when do governments tend to get the largest things done? The usual answer to this is in their first term, when they are new, energetic and have political capital to burn. John Howard’s first term was dysfunctional and ridiculed – but saw gun reform, a huge industrial relations battle on the waterfront, and the announcement that he would pursue a GST. The Hawke-Keating government floated the dollar, solidified the Accord, and restored Medicare.

There are three things worth noting here. The first is that many significant changes came in response to events, and could not have been foreseen. The second, as observers including Michelle Grattan and Peter Brent have noted, is that they were not always brought as promises to an election.

The third is that the ways a government changes society are not always obvious from single policies, even the largest; often they come from the interaction, over time, of cultural shifts and policy. One of Howard’s greatest political achievements was to adjust the way this country sees the balance between public and private services. Howard’s appeal to aspirational voters met perfectly his efforts to make private healthcare and private schools more important and politically untouchable. It is possible that Howard had a longer-term aim too. The more people come to depend on private provision of services, the less concern there is for public services.

Which is why it was so interesting, during the campaign, to listen to Albanese defend his long-term plans for childcare on the basis of a general principle of universalism. Historian Frank Bongiorno has placed this in the context of Labor’s history. It is also a direct rebuke of the Howard project. Universalism builds public support for those services and raises expectations about standards. It means that rich and poor alike are invested in their success. It moves those services – in this case childcare, but conceivably public hospitals and public schools – to the centre of national discussion.

Albanese has spoken of a two-term strategy. Already, reporters are making reasonable arguments that a second term for Albanese seems all but assured. If that is true, then Albanese’s real focus should be on the even longer term. What might he promise then to achieve in a third term?

This is not really a question of specific policies. It is far more about cultural change and cultural arguments: shifting the way the country sees itself, and in doing so shifting voters’ conception of what politicians should be focused on. Australia’s falling education standards, for example, our appalling shortage of teachers, will not be changed only by policy, but by a shift in the way our nation talks about education. That is true, too, of our decimated arts sector – which is why Albanese’s theatre attendance last weekend was so welcome.

There is huge political risk in attempting to alter the status quo. To give just one example: we know that rich voters are shifting from the Coalition. It is at least plausible to suggest that this is, in part, because Labor gave them no cause for concern. If you are rich, there is bipartisan consensus that government will not ruffle your feathers, not by touching your tax cuts or tax breaks or soaring house prices. This position is not sustainable for Labor. Shifting it, though, is not a matter of announcements, but about shifting the national mindset.

None of us has the faintest idea what the next three years hold. And yet, strange as it may seem, it is likely they will hold some of Albanese’s most memorable achievements, unimagined beforehand. But some of the more important changes must be imagined now, even though they will not be visible until years later. This is the grand “social experiment” that every government of note embarks upon: of telling us stories about ourselves in the hope of changing what we think of as outrageous and what we think of as just the way things are.

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