Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for December

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You just experienced a life-changing eclipse in your sign, Scorpio, and now, during Sagittarius season, you’re focusing on your comfort and sense of stability. Your finances, resources, and your needs are top of mind. The month starts off with support and understanding from your loved ones on December 1 when Venus in Sagittarius meets with Saturn in Aquarius. Then Neptune, the planet of illusion and romance, stations direct in Pisces on December 3 and here comes all the creative ideas you’ve been waiting for! This energy can be hard to sort through and it can kick up paranoia and uncertainty, especially in your dating life–so don’t rush forward with any major decisions, but stay curious about what’s coming up for you at this time.

You might feel ready to invest some of your resources into a creative ambition or project on December 4 when Venus in Sagittarius meets with Neptune in Pisces. Taking action toward your dreams is part of the manifestation process—just be careful to not overcommit. You can get lost in fantasy today! Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Capricorn on December 9 and your schedule picks up. You may feel like more social events are popping up than normal. This is also a great time to reconnect with any hobbies or studies you’ve been curious about.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 9 can mark a personal breakthrough in your psychology. It can feel like an unearthing of parts of yourself that you’ve avoided or felt ashamed of. This is a powerful time to send forgiveness and compassion to yourself—you may finally be ready to let go of part of your past. You may also be sorting through financial disagreements with a partner or working on a plan to settle debt. The mood picks up on December 9 when Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Jupiter in Pisces. These are the two most generous and fun-loving planets in the sky. Today’s energy is social and lively, and you’re ready to take a risk! Later in the day, Venus enters Capricorn and you’re all about communication. You may feel more confident expressing your feelings or you may simply crave some intellectual stimulation within your relationships.

Conversations can take an interesting and promising twist on December 17 when Mercury in Capricorn mingles with Uranus in Taurus. You and your partner may have a discussion that leaves you feeling optimistic about your future. This is also a wonderful time for collaboration, so keep an eye on your inbox. Jupiter enters Aries on December 20, bringing optimism and renewal to your daily habits, health, and routine. In this part of your birth chart, Jupiter can tend to overcommit, so be careful to prioritize your body’s rest and needs. This can be an aligned time to rework your daily routine and kick bad habits.

Capricorn season begins and the winter solstice on December 21. You may be spending more time with extended family or focusing on your relationship with siblings. News or opportunities that you’ve been waiting to hear about also arrive. You’re leading with curiosity right now, and this is an opportunity to build skills and invest in your intellect. On the same day, the Sun in Capricorn clashes with expansive Jupiter in Aries. This is major biting-off-more-than-you-can-chew energy! Remember: You can only physically be in one place, so try your best to not overcommit. You may to take a personal day to catch up on rest or schedule a massage! The New Moon in Capricorn on December 23 invites a fresh start to your mind and communication style. You may decide to start studying a new subject or decide to kick a limiting belief.

Get ready for a little rewind and rethinking when it comes to your New Moon intentions–Mercury Retrograde begins in Capricorn on December 29! Everyone’s favorite celestial happening is back and ready to have you reworking your current plans. This Mercury Retrograde may be as cliche as they come–expect technological issues, misunderstandings, delays when traveling, and even hearing from exes. This can also be a nostalgic time, with you reflecting on your time in high school and how far you’ve come! Your inner angsty teen would be so proud of you!

Your Mercury Retrograde Survival Kit

The year ends on a dramatic note when Venus and Mercury, both in Capricorn, meet at the same point in the sky. What desires have you been too fearful to express? How have you neglected your needs and given your power away in certain relationships? These thoughts are coming up for a reason: So you can address them as necessary and start the New Year on a new note.

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