Capitol Hill riots: Washington police hunting for rioters including horned man

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in Washington, DC, is calling on help from public after releasing a number of images taken during yesterday’s riots.

The images show “persons of interest” connected to the riots, where hundreds of pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol building.

It includes photos of a shirtless tattooed man wearing a horned furry hat, face paint and carrying a megaphone.

The 32-year-old has already been identified in media as a hardcore Trump supporter from Arizona and a familiar face at rallies and protests.

He is Jake Angeli, a sometime actor and voiceover artist who also goes by the name of QAnon Shaman.

Metropolitan Police Department says “There are peaceful demonstrations in the District of Columbia on a daily basis.

“The same rules apply for all demonstrations in DC and we welcome anyone to our city who wants to come to exercise their First Amendment rights peacefully. The Metropolitan Police Department will work with organisers to facilitate.

“If there are persons that destroy property or hurt someone at any time, police will take action. MPD rarely has to make an arrest at a demonstration but in the event that we do, know that it will be done safely and respectfully.”

Most of the individuals in the images are facing unlawful entry charges, others may also be charged over stolen property, as some took items from the building.

The police department is asking anyone who can identify individuals at the riots or anyone with information to contact police.

A current reward is also on offer for anyone who can provide information that will then lead to arrest.

Currently the reward on offer is US$1000 ($1378).

So far, 39 images have been released by the police department.

In total, DC Police have made 68 arrests in connection with what they’re describing as “unrest”.

Among the arrested only one was a DC resident.

Forty-one arrests were made in the Capitol Hill area.

The FBI are also seeking help from the public.

The FBI was asking the public to help identify the individuals who actively instigated violence in D.C.

“Please use this form to submit any images, videos, or other multimedia files you have related to possible violations of federal law committed,” wrote the FBI.

“Our goal is to preserve the public’s constitutional right to protest by protecting everyone from violence and other criminal activity.”

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