Meghan cradles bump as Oprah asks if she was ‘silenced’ in bombshell interview

Meghan Markle cradled her growing baby bump as Oprah asked if she was "silenced" in a sneak peak of the US chat show host’s bombshell interview.

Prince Harry and wife Meghan announced they are expecting their second child on Valentine’s Day with a sweet picture of the pair laying on the lawn of their Santa Barbara home.

The news came a month after the Duchess of Sussex heartbreakingly revealed she had previously suffered a miscarriage, writing in the New York Times: "I knew as I held my first child, I was losing my second."

Meghan had a happy, healthy glow in Oprah’s teaser for the interview, and the soon-to-be mum of two cradled her unborn child as she spoke of a difficult 2020.

In a special preview of the CBS interview, Oprah asks Meghan, who is wearing a black dress and her hair up, if she was "silent" or "silenced" in the Royal Family.

The Duchess looks on at her friend before the teaser cuts to Oprah saying she wants to "make it clear to everybody" there is "no subject off limits".

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A third cut shows the host responding to Meghan, who does not speak throughout the trailer except for when she agrees with her husband.

Oprah says: "Almost unsurvivable, sounds like there was a breaking point."

Prince Harry then walks onto the screen and makes a thinly-veiled dig at his father, Prince Charles, when discussing the hardship his mother, Princess Diana, went through.

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Addressing Oprah, Prince Harry says he’s "relieved and happy" to be chatting to the US chat show host with his wife by his side.

He adds that he "can’t begin to imagine" what it would have been like for his mum who "went through" the "process" of leaving the Royal Family "by herself" all those years ago.

As a montage of a young Harry with his mum plays throughout his speech, the clip ends with Charles' son saying he's glad the couple "have each other".

Before the screen fades to black, Meghan squeezes Harry's and agrees with him before turning back to Oprah.

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