Ukraine facing ‘big problems’ as weapons supplies stuck at Polish border

Military aid destined for Ukraine has been blocked at the country’s border with Poland after a protest, dealing a potentially big blow to troops fighting against Russia.

Thousands of trucks carrying commercial goods have been stuck at the border after Polish driver began a strike in early November.

The aid being sent to Ukraine from non-profit organisations (NGOs) includes drones, electronics and pickup trucks.

Taras Chmut, head of Come Back Alive, Ukraine’s largest military aid charity, said: “This is not good, because they are tied to projects, timings and deadlines… Things are getting through, but it is slower than it was before.”

Viktor Dolhopiatov, who runs Engineering Corps, which is making equipment for Ukraine, added: “If the blockade continues this could become, and already is becoming, a big problem.”

The problems come as the US is to announce a further $175m (£139m) package of military aid to be sent to Ukraine.

HIMARS missiles, anti-armour systems and high-speed anti-radiation missiles are among the equipment included in the package.

An anonymous US official told Sky News that the latest round of support will be provided through presidential drawdown authority, which takes weapons from existing US supplies to ensure they reach the frontlines quickly.

While the US is vowing to send more aid to Ukraine, the Republican Party is putting up a lot of resistance in Washington.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cancelled his appearance at a classified briefing with US senators after a walkout from several Republicans.

Mitt Romney, a senator for Utah, said: “There’s nothing new in what they’re describing, and Republicans are saying that there’s support for Ukraine, but there has to be security of our border.”

John Cornyn, a Republican senator from Texas, said: “They want tens of billions of dollars to help our friends and allies overseas, but they’re not willing to do what’s necessary to prevent a potential crisis at the border.

“The Biden administration just does not seem to care.”

But Lindsay Graham, a Republican senator, said: “Count me in on Ukraine; if we do not help Ukraine and Putin gets away with this, you’ll be in a war with NATO – I got all that.

“You will get a robust Republican vote for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan if you have real border security to deal with what I think is one of the biggest national security problems I’ve seen since I’ve been up here.”

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