Meghan Markle announced in her new Variety cover story that she does not plan to return to acting in the future, saying, “No. I’m done. I guess never say never, but my intention is to absolutely not.” But that doesn’t mean there won’t be versions of Meghan Markle on screen. Several Lifetime movies have already cast actors as the Duchess of Sussex, and surely more film and TV projects will be made in the vein of Netflix’s “The Crown” that include Markle as a central character.
“I haven’t given that much thought, to be honest. It’s all weird,” Markle told Variety when asked how it feels knowing actors will play her on screen one day. “You have to compartmentalize. Anyone talking about me or casting an actor to play me, that will be a caricature of me that has been created for a business that makes people a lot of money. Once you can separate that out, it’s much easier to go: ‘OK. That actually has nothing to do with me.’ It genuinely doesn’t. It’s a hard lesson to come to grips with.”
What’s Markle’s advice to any actor taking on the role of Meghan Markle? “I hope that in preparing for that role, she finds the softness and the playfulness and the laughter. The silliness,” she said. “I just hope she finds the dimensions. Also, she can call me!”
Lifetime movies “Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance” and “Harry and Meghan: Becoming Royal” have already brought Markle to television as a character played by actors Parisa Fitz-Henley and Tiffany Smith, respectively. It’s almost certain that more high profile television series or films in the future will center on Markle, although it might not be Netflix’s long-running royal drama series “The Crown.” The series is projected to end in its sixth season, which still centers on the royal family during the late 1990s.
Ready Markle’s full Variety cover story here.
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