Priyanka Chopra and husband Nick Jonas announced the 2021 Academy Award nominations Monday morning (afternoon in London where they were), and the power couple certainly dressed the part.
And like in any successful relationship, they perfectly complimented each other — by wearing color-coordinating outfits, obviously. Chopra wore a tea length, violet-blue dress with a layered skirt and textured top that tied off into a halter-style bow. Jonas wore a shiny and vibrant gold-yellow suit. The gorgeous couple obviously looked at a color wheel before choosing their outfits, because the two colors perfectly complimented each other.
They read off the nominations like seasoned champs and even shared some cute banter and flirtation — Jonas complimented his wife on her perfected enunciation of the International Feature Film nominations.
This year's lineup of nominations looks like pretty stiff competition. The show is set for April 25, 2021, and in the meantime, we'll be having a movie marathon of all the nominees. (And convincing our significant others to color coordinate with us.)
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